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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-16 00:56



热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 05:38

Today is a solemn day, 14-year-old Jeremy hunting for the first time. In fact, he does not like hunting. Ever since his father bought him a hunting rifle teams, the clay pigeon shooting, he aimed at, and to take him to the island in the Gulf hunt, he would not happy. However, he should resolve to deal with this matter in the past, because of his love for his father, his most in the world want is to pay tribute to his father. The ambush came to the sea, bright days have been great in the Gulf in the distance, a long list of wild ducks in the rising sun slowly rising against the backdrop of Yilue by. In order to ease emotional, he of the silver surface water as the background to the father's side of a photo shoot. He then rushed to a camera on the shelf, the gun, be prepared.
"Let's bullets, and sometimes they will fly on all of a sudden your head on the ......" all of a sudden, his father put an end to the speech, lean forward, squint, said:" There are a small group of being here Flying. Lower your head, I will tell you ......"
Behind them, the sun on the horizon as the entire marsh into a tan. Jeremy all to see clearly: his father and tensions earnestly expression, Wei Bai barrel on the cream. His heart beat too much, psychological, he should not expect that at all times to come. Do not fly to the wild side.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 05:42


热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 05:39

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