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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 12:34



热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 07:04

3D-Far East Movement&Bruno Mars
I wanna see you critic...
Lemme see you critic ....
There's something mysterious about you
Now I can't leave this club without you
Girl, I'm just so curious, so curious
Stop playin' babe, no mo guessin' games
Don't leave me so curious
You the hottest chick that I've seen this far
Shutter shades on gotcha glowin' in the dark
Seen you at the club wanna know who you are
Baby hop in the space ship we can go to Mars
We can go to Mars, ya I know whattcha 'bout
You got them fly kicks with the tongues hangin' out
I like yo red lips to ya finganail tops
But chu need a little mo than a myspace pic
All my 3D girls, puttcha hands in the air
Wit cher neon nails, gottcha hands in the air
With yo LV bag, you the one right there
All my fresh females rockin' all the right gear
Wit cha skytops on, you the one right there
Ya the girl got swag, your the one right there
'cause I like yo style, you make me stare
All my 3D girls, gottcha handsi n the air
There's something mysterious about you
Now I can't leave this club without you
Girl, I'm just so curious, so curious
Stop playin' babe, no mo guessin' games
Don't leave me so curious
I wanna see you critic...
Lemme see you critic ...
Lemme use my imagination
Somethin' 'bout you got me fascinated
is it the way that chu got me faded
I'm seeing stars like constellations
Constellations, lemme set the mood
Right to the moon, I can get a better view
If it takes two, then it's me + you
'cause you're so 3D, lemme get a preview
All my 3D girls, puttcha hands in the air
Wit cher neon nails, gottcha hands in the air
With yo LV bag, you the one right there
All my fresh females rockin' all the right gear
Wit cha skytops on, you the one right there
Ya the girl got swag, your the one right there
'cause I like yo style, you make me stare
All my 3D girls, gottcha handsi n the air
There's something mysterious about you
Now I can't leave this club without you
Girl, I'm just so curious, so curious
Stop playin' babe, no mo guessin' games
Don't leave me so curious
There's something mysterious about you
Now I can't leave this club without you
Girl, I'm just so curious, so curious
Stop playin' babe, no mo guessin' games
Don't leave me so curious
I wanna see you critic
Lemme see you critic X4

热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 07:09

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