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Safe Without 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 08:53



热心网友 时间:2024-07-28 07:10

歌曲名:Safe Without

Interpol - Safe Without
I'm not the hero out the gates
So much to feel so much to gain
My higher reason will take aim
I'll be ok I've got my shapes
We are not alone we share our stake
I think the winter will be wonderful
I am safe without it
I am safe without it
I am safe without
I am safe without it
I am safe without it
I am safe without
Go alone we'll skip the chase
It's go the road or drop the weight
There's no alleigance left to take
As great big sheets disintegrate
In the water
In the water
I am safe without it
I am safe without it
I am safe without
I am safe without it
I am safe without it
I am safe without
I am safe without it
I am safe without it
I am safe without (I know the reason why)
I am safe without it (I know the reason why)
I am safe without it (I know the reason why)
But I feel this way
Feel this way
I steal, I heal, and I do it again
Over and over and over and over

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