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don't konw how to say goodbye Brian Seo 唱的. 英文带中文歌词...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 00:20



热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 16:11

Brian Seo - Don't Know How To Say Goodbye

I released the prison gates, but your smile I can't escape
You've been traveling through my mind

And the picture frame is missing of what's left of you and me yeah
The mountains that we climbed is crumbing before my eyes
I face the music, the separation, don't have to be this way
And the days are somber, to start all over for me that's not okay yeah
And I believe one day, that you'll come back to me yeah
I feel I'm dying
cause I'm suffocating when I cry don't know how to say goodbye

I don't phase that easily, like a strong roots of a tree
Love wounds need the time to heal
And our love is real, flowing like the ocean breeze yeah
No one said it's easy, could you be reaching out for me?
So I don't wanna
I face the music, the separation, don't have to be this way
And the days are somber, to start all over for me that's not okay yeah
And I believe one day, that you'll come back to me yeah
I feel I'm dying
cause I'm suffocating when I cry don't know how to say goodbye
Just help me understand, did I misunderstand?
Was there a fine print I didn't read?
When I'm with you there's no fear, the world just disappears
That's why I loved you, oh!
Where did you go? The one that I loved
I face the music, the separation, don't have to be this way
And the days are somber, to start all over for me that's not okay yeah
And I believe one day, that you'll come back to me yeah
I feel I'm dying
cause I'm suffocating when I cry don't know how to say goodbye

热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 16:12

新歌, 应该还没有翻成中文歌词. 英文的看看吧.

Brian Seo - Don't Know How To Say Goodbye

I released the prison gates, but your smile I can't escape
You've been traveling through my mind

And the picture frame is missing of what's left of you and me yeah
The mountains that we climbed is crumbing before my eyes
I face the music, the separation, don't have to be this way
And the days are somber, to start all over for me that's not okay yeah
And I believe one day, that you'll come back to me yeah
I feel I'm dying
cause I'm suffocating when I cry don't know how to say goodbye

I don't phase that easily, like a strong roots of a tree
Love wounds need the time to heal
And our love is real, flowing like the ocean breeze yeah
No one said it's easy, could you be reaching out for me?
So I don't wanna
I face the music, the separation, don't have to be this way
And the days are somber, to start all over for me that's not okay yeah
And I believe one day, that you'll come back to me yeah
I feel I'm dying
cause I'm suffocating when I cry don't know how to say goodbye
Just help me understand, did I misunderstand?
Was there a fine print I didn't read?
When I'm with you there's no fear, the world just disappears
That's why I loved you, oh!
Where did you go? The one that I loved
I face the music, the separation, don't have to be this way
And the days are somber, to start all over for me that's not okay yeah
And I believe one day, that you'll come back to me yeah
I feel I'm dying
cause I'm suffocating when I cry don't know how to say goodbye
x 2

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iknowhowtosay歌曲 歌词里有say goodbye say goodbye的英语 howtosayimsorry hardtosayImsorry time say goodbye say goodbye to say you goodbye say goodbye歌曲
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