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Fly People Fly 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 00:01



热心网友 时间:2024-07-28 04:40

歌曲名:Fly People Fly
专辑:Fly To The Rainbow

And I see the tears in your eyes
The rain will fall tonight
And tonight well go to the sky
Because and we fly
All together
Fly to the sky
Fly to the rainbow
Fly people fly
Fly people fly
And I see the smile on your face
When you look into space
Hes so bright and he is so great
Come on or its too late
All together
Fly to the sky
Fly to the rainbow
Fly people fly
Fly people fly
See the rainbow in the sun
The man will not go
And the world they have no fun
Hurry up people run
All together
Fly to the sky
Fly to the rainbow
Fly people fly
Fly people fly
All together
Fly to the sky
Fly to the rainbow
Fly people fly
Fly people fly

Fly People Fly 歌词

Fly to the sky Fly to the rainbow Fly people fly Fly people fly See the rainbow in the sun The man will not go And the world they have no fun Hurry up people run All together Fly to the sky Fly to the rainbow Fly people fly Fly people fly All together Fly to the sky...


防弹少年团 - 嘻哈成瘾者 It was a new world piang素为哭里那西gi叫哭冷内gi 信成你么乃个他噶瓦 内个某度的sei度呢度给还的波 But people keep askin' baby why you love that HIPHOP&...


A我只知道这过时的 唉呀……呀 唉呀……呀 唉呀……呀 大家一起来 唉呀……呀 唉呀……呀 唉呀……呀 大家一起来 我们在这里跳舞 在这里开怀 说一说你理想 说一说未来 不要再徘徊 不要再等待 美好的前程 永远等你来 唉呀……呀 我们大家一起来 不要把那真心当成游戏猜 唉呀……呀 我们大家...

歌词中fly by ll女的唱的英语歌

As long as you love me As long as you love me As long as you love me We're under pressure,Seven billion people in the world trying to fit in Keep it together,Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning But hey now, you know, girl,We both know it's a crue...

模特走秀中有个音乐很好听,歌词有一句是:“Im just a girl".这是什么...

With the ones who gave me my wings to fly, to fly People say, that the world is like a stage Their so confused, the rules I play I been away from home for so long That I, I almost forgot where I belong Ye-eah Im just a girl With a dream that got the best of me...

求歌词:挥着翅膀的女孩 全英文

Believe me I can fly 相信我能飞翔 I’m proud that I can fly 我为那飞翔而骄傲 To give the best of mine 我要展现我的全部 The heaven in the sky* 那是天堂in the sky Stars in the sky 那天空中的星辰 Wishing once upon a time 希望能像从前一样 Give me love Make me smile ...

请帮我翻译forever friends 和 chocolate ice的歌词

寻找彩虹的颜色,美妙的旋律不会说再见 我会在你身边.象朋友般握紧我,象朋友般吻我,告诉我,我们不会结束 寻找彩虹的颜色,美妙的旋律不会说再见 我会在你身边.有些人掌握爱情却没有去尝试 凭借你的翅膀我几乎飞翔,并飞得更高,有一天我们将看到整个世界,走过灰暗,信心在我们手中.象朋友般握紧我,象...

Thirty People Away 歌词

your time will come to fly away Never today, just dream your life away Sleep Tamas Wells的《Thirty People Away 》中文歌词:这是一首催眠曲 对任何人想要飞 从他们的家乡人淹死 ,在外出死 这座古老的图书馆 有三十本书和一个字典 不过这行,不要一个人阅读吧 我们都看电视 这是你的摇篮...


Eagle的歌词是:(An aria of one thousand years old originally from the eastern part of Taiwan)I am an eagle high up in the sky above Dawu MountainsI fly from my palace and soarDown across vast forests and beautiful millet fieldsAnd across singing creeksEven beyond the spectacular ...


Didn't understand 真不明白 That anything can happen When you take a chance 当你开始冒险什么事都能成功吗 I never believed in 我从不相信 What I couldn't see 我没亲眼见到的事 I never opened my heart 我从来没打开心扉 To all the possibilities 向那些一切的可能性 I know that ...

英文歌曲fly away歌词 Fly Away歌词 buttlefly歌词 歌词有fly的英文歌 Fly歌词 Galway Girl歌词 flyaway歌词是什么意思 fly away 歌词邓紫棋 刘聪fly away歌词
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