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Cruising California (Bumpin' In My Trunk) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-21 23:21



热心网友 时间:2024-08-02 20:33

歌曲名:Cruising California (Bumpin' In My Trunk)
歌手:The Offspring
专辑:Days Go By

The Offspring - Cruising California
Hey ho, let''s go
Go Go Go! Turn up the beat, yeah
Oh Oh Oh! I wanna feel it
California Don''t you wish that you could come
Cause we''re never going home till the summer''s all gone
Summer time, living''s easy
Cruising, bumping, my Huntington Beach
Cause the sun will shine
We have a good time
They all line up for a bump and grind
And the girl that you want is directly out in front
And she''s waving her caboose at you
You sneeze achoo
She calls you out and boom!
I know you heard that bass bumpin'' in my trunk
Bum-bumpin'' in my trunk, bum-bumpin'' in my trunk Oh yeah
I know you heard that bass bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh
Bum-bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh,
bum-bumpin'' in my trunk go
Go go go! Turn up the beat, yeah
Oh oh oh! I wanna feel it
California Don''t you wish that you could come
Cause we''re never going home till the summer''s all gone
The sun goes down, the fire pits leap
It''s another summer night here in the OC
Well I''m not no baller though I do have an Impala
And I might say ''Hey'' but I''ll never say ''Holla''
The girl with the gloss and a g-string just like a floss
Well she''s waving her caboose at you
I bet you do
She calls you out uh huh
I know you heard that bass bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh
Bum-bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh,
bum-bumpin'' in my trunk bump that truck
I know you heard that bass bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh
Bum-bumpin'' in my trunk uh
bum-bumpin'' in my trunk let''s go
Go go go! Turn up the beat, yeah
Oh oh oh! I wanna feel it
California Don''t you wish that you could come
With the radio on, plays it all summer long
Go go go! You''re all I''m breakin''
Oh oh oh! My friends are drinkin''
California Don''t you wish that you could come
Cause we''re never going home till the summer''s all gone
I know you heard that bass bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh
Bum-bumpin'' in my trunk uh huh ,
bum-bumpin'' in my trunk hey ho, let''s go
Go go go! Turn up the beat, yeah
Oh oh oh! I wanna feel it
California Don''t you wish that you could come
With the radio on, plays it all summer long
Go go go! You''re all up freakin''
Oh oh oh! My friends are drinkin''
California Don''t you wish that you could come
Cause we''re never going home till the summer''s all gone
California Don''t you wish that you could come
Cause we''re never going home till the summer''s all gone

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