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英语作文,帮忙看看有什么问题,或者要改进的地方,谢了 内容是关于请求离 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 07:01



热心网友 时间:2024-07-22 07:55

Company Address

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager

This is my formal notification that I am resigning from Morning Start Co. as a mechanical engineer. (Date) will be my last day of employment.
While I have been very satisfied at Morning Start Company for these two years. I have decided to make this move to advance my career. Our project with local community groups has inspired me to pursue my Master degree in mechanical design. This was not an easy decision to make. (把突然的决定换成不简单的决定吧。)(我个人感觉你不用提你小时候的梦想,非要说的话也是when I was a little kid,而不是 as a child, 因为你已经不是小孩了。)I have enjoyed working with everyone and have learned a great deal. I really appreciate the opportunities I have been given here. I regret any inconvenience that this will cause, and will do my best to hand off my current projects prior to (last day of work). Please let me know if you need my help in any other way. (不要说你离职会引起什么困难。只要说你会努力交待好你的工作就可以了。)I wish you and the company much success.


(sign here)

热心网友 时间:2024-07-22 07:54

I’m writing to express my apology that I wish to resign my present position as a mechanical engineer.【整句话换掉,I’m sorry but 委婉点】 (To be honest) I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in the Morning start company for these (those) two years.
However, our work with local community groups has inspired me to pursue my Master’s degree in mechanical design.Please forgive me abrupt decision,I know my quit will bring some problems to you in project arrangement.As a child ,I have once dreamed to turn into a man who has profound knowledge and own learned glamour,and who could make some contribution to our national science and technology.So I hope you could understand my thought and support my decision.
Thank you for all the patience ,wisdom and experience that you shared with you , but,to my regret, I can’t cooperate with you any more. Please accept my apology again

热心网友 时间:2024-07-22 07:55

Company Address

Dear Mr./Ms. Manager

This is my formal notification that I am resigning from Morning Start Co. as a mechanical engineer. (Date) will be my last day of employment.
While I have been very satisfied at Morning Start Company for these two years. I have decided to make this move to advance my career. Our project with local community groups has inspired me to pursue my Master degree in mechanical design. This was not an easy decision to make. (把突然的决定换成不简单的决定吧。)(我个人感觉你不用提你小时候的梦想,非要说的话也是when I was a little kid,而不是 as a child, 因为你已经不是小孩了。)I have enjoyed working with everyone and have learned a great deal. I really appreciate the opportunities I have been given here. I regret any inconvenience that this will cause, and will do my best to hand off my current projects prior to (last day of work). Please let me know if you need my help in any other way. (不要说你离职会引起什么困难。只要说你会努力交待好你的工作就可以了。)I wish you and the company much success.


(sign here)

热心网友 时间:2024-07-22 07:50

I’m writing to express my apology that I wish to resign my present position as a mechanical engineer.【整句话换掉,I’m sorry but 委婉点】 (To be honest) I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in the Morning start company for these (those) two years.
However, our work with local community groups has inspired me to pursue my Master’s degree in mechanical design.Please forgive me abrupt decision,I know my quit will bring some problems to you in project arrangement.As a child ,I have once dreamed to turn into a man who has profound knowledge and own learned glamour,and who could make some contribution to our national science and technology.So I hope you could understand my thought and support my decision.
Thank you for all the patience ,wisdom and experience that you shared with you , but,to my regret, I can’t cooperate with you any more. Please accept my apology again
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