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...off的具体意思以及water off(from也可以?) a duck's back

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 00:24



热心网友 时间:2024-08-06 08:45

If people were supportive of the movement, a message like that might  roll off it like water from a duck's back, " he says.


The doctors tell us it`s dangerous to smoke, but such good advice rolls off  some people like water off  a duck's back."


ROLL OFF 比喻意思; 一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出,相当于汉语,耳旁风 或者耳边风

roll off 

印出; 复印出


You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the exercise on the duplicating machine.


A couple of dozen prints were rolled off in no time.



Books roll off the printing machine at the rate of two a week.


1. 印出; 复印出 

You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the exercise on the duplicating machine. 


A couple of dozen prints were rolled off in no time. 


2. 从…复印出 

Books roll off the printing machine at the rate of two a week. 


1. Books roll off the printing machine at the rate of two a week. 书籍以一星期两本的速率从印刷机印出。 

2. You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the exercise on the duplicating machine. 你可以在复印机上很快再复印几份练习题。 

3. How many copies do you want to roll off? 你想印多少份? 

4. Advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck's back. 劝导对他好象水过鸭背似的(不起作用)。 

5. The enhanced edge support virtually eliminates the sensation of roll-off. 同时减少伴侣翻身时相互影响并加大睡眠面积。 

6. Newspaper roll off the printing machine at the rate of everyday. 报纸以每天的速率从印刷机印出。 

7. If the table top isn't level, things will roll off. 如果桌面不平,东西就会滚下来。 

8. Just take easy; let the water roll off your back. 轻松些,就像水从你的背后流下一样。 

9. Sharp retorts roll off the tongues of the people he characterizes. 尖锐的反驳滔滔不绝地出自他所塑造的人物之口。 

10. As a result, the water drops roll off the leaves. 结果,水滴就会从叶子上滚落。 

11. This machine can roll off two prints a second. 这台机器每秒钟可复制两张图片。 

12. The large numbers roll off the tongue. 大量滚下的舌头。 

13. Put the ball carefully on the table, so that is won't roll off. 球放到桌上时要小心,别让它滚下来。 

14. You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the document on the duplicator. 你可以用复印机把这个文件额外复印几份。 

15. You can quickly roll off some extra copies of the document on the duplicating machine. 你可以在复印机上把这个文件另外复印几份。 

16. The current situations and problems of roll-on roll-off service of Chuanjiang River are introduced. 介绍川江滚装船运输的现状及其存在的问题。 

17. He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll. 他从那卷布上剪下一米。 

18. The teacher checked off the students' names during roll call. (check off) 点名的时候,老师在点过名的学生名字上做了个记号。 

19. He cut off three metres of cloth from the roll. 他从那匹布剪下三米。 

20. We can be struck off the roll for that. 我们会为此而被开除的。 

water off a duck's back= 指毫无作用 

1. He has such a high opinion of himself that criticism flows off him like water off a duck's back. 他如此自负,以至于批评对他毫无效果。 

2. Advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck's back. 劝导对他好象水过鸭背似的(不起作用)。 

3. Their hints about his behaviour were water off a duck's back. 他们示意他举止不当,如同对牛弹琴。 

4. Criticism falls off her like water off a duck's back. 批评对于她而言就像水流到了鸭子的背上,一滑而落。 

5. The scolding ran off him like water off a duck's back. 他听了责骂只当耳边风。 

6. He always forgets something which his friends said, maybe's like water off a duck's back. 他总是忘记一些他朋友对他说过的事情,也许他把这些当成了耳边风了吧。 

7. That guy is hopeless. All my admonitions are like water off a duck's back. 那个家伙真是不可救药,我的一切警告他都当作耳边风。 

8. To the seasoned campaigner, the remarks of hecklers were like water off a duck's back. 对老练的竞选者来说,质问者的话有如耳边风。 

9. Their criticisms of his talk rolled off him like water off a duck's back. 他们对他的谈话所作的批评,他根本不理会。 

10. Jack't care what people say. Criticism rolls off him like water off a duck's back. 不管别人说什么,杰克都不往心里去。他对于批评是满不在乎的。 


11. They literally let it run off like water on a duck's back. 他们几乎把这当成是耳旁风。 

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