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Crowpath的《Clean》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 00:28



热心网友 时间:2024-08-08 18:46

专辑:Red On Chrome

Robbie Williams
There was a time
When crazy days would start with wine
And now I tow a different line
I stay in bed and use my loaf instead of my bread
And stroll on 'cos I've been thinking so long
That something's gonna go wrong
It's gone to my head my vision's all blurred
And my legs feel like lead
But I'm clean yeah
Friends with Mr Sheen yeah
Don't have to wean myself off of nothing
I'm two minutes clean and that's not very often
Stroll on
There was a time
When I would dread what I had said
Waking up in someone's bed
Wondering who I was
Naked and cold
With an ache in my head
And stroll on 'cos I've been thinking so long
That something's gonna go wrong
It's gone to my head my visions all blurred
And my legs feel like lead
But I'm clean yeah
Friends with Charlie Sheen yeah
Gonna meet the Queen yeah
She's two minutes clean and that's not very often
Stroll on and on
Clean yeah
Friends with Mr Sheen yeah
Don't have to wean myself off of nothing
I'm two minutes clean and that's not very often
I'm clean yeah
Gonna meet the Queen yeah
I won't be obscene yeah
'cos I'm two minutes clean and that's not very often
Stroll on and on and on and on and on
Oh yeah

Crowpath的《Clean》 歌词

She's two minutes clean and that's not very often Stroll on and on Clean yeah Friends with Mr Sheen yeah Don't have to wean myself off of nothing I'm two minutes clean and that's not very often I'm clean yeah Gonna meet the Queen yeah I won't be obscene yeah 'cos...

Crowpath的《The Hunt》 歌词

歌曲名:The Hunt 歌手:Crowpath 专辑:One With Filth 武汉大学:Lye、耶律蠢材、の、炀帝 珞盟推荐金属群:66032164 All the love I’ve shown Given to the ones I’ve known All the love I make Is equal to the love I take All the life I’ve known Given to the life I’ve shown...

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