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发布网友 发布时间:2024-07-22 10:04



热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 03:42

The greatest characteristic of ck's neck taste is that all fresh salty flavor of the chilli sets each other off to take, with hot as top, food person food it, completely relaxed and happy ck neck delicious to lie in it meat attach to the bone, eat, come, have " gnaw " strength very much, rich in mouthfeel is house travel, present relatives and friends, go well with wine good merchantable brand that have meal.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 03:43

he reason that the Duck Neck stands out is that the ck attach to the bones,the taste is pure and mild , and the ck eats to have a people strength very much

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 03:43

The ck neck flavor biggest characteristic is the hot fresh saltyvarious tastes serves as contrast to take along, also take burns as,food food it, completely relaxed
The ck neck delicious lies in its meat to attach to the bone,eats has " very much; Gnaws " The vigor, the rich feeling inthe mouth, is the home traveling, presents the relatives and friends,佐酒 dines high quality goods.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-04 03:44

English sentence translation, the key Canadian minute
ck neck flavor biggest characteristic is the hot fresh salty various tastes serves as contrast to take along, also take burns as, food food it, the completely relaxed
ck neck delicious lies in its meat to attach in the bone, eats has " to gnaw the " vigor very much, the rich feeling in the mouth, is the home traveling, presents the relatives and friends, is a drinking companion high quality goods which dines.
我自己也有翻译:he reason that the Duck Neck stands out is that the ck attach to the bones,the taste is pure and mild , and the ck eats to have a people strength very much
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