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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-12 22:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 07:34

Warm and cold weather, uncertainty
Each person who hid the sea
Encounter is always unjustified
Gently say sorry after mistake

It does not matter regardless of what the loss of
No trace
Let the tears flow back into the heart every time
To the irrigation dream of opening a miracle

I want not who the shoulders of strong
Embrace is not a place to stay
In this world there are many more crowded rush
All the lonely times with applause for himself

I want to take pairs of wings, flying is not
Freedom is the distance that can not be replaced by
With the journey alone to reap the growth of
, Until she met you share

It does not matter regardless of what the loss of
No trace
Let the tears flow back into the heart every time
To the irrigation dream of opening a miracle

I want not who the shoulders of strong
Embrace is not a place to stay
In this world there are many more crowded rush
All the lonely times with applause for himself

I want to take pairs of wings, flying is not
Freedom is the distance that can not be replaced by
With the journey alone to reap the growth of
, Until she met you share

I want to take pairs of wings, flying is not
Freedom is the distance that can not be replaced by
With the journey alone to reap the growth of
, Until she met you share

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 07:34

The weatherChanges in uncertaintyEverybodyHiding in the seaMeetAlways makes no sense.After making a mistakeGently say sorryNever mindNo matter what the lossThere is no traceEvery timeLet the tears flow back to heartTo irrigate dream of a miracleI want to be strongNot who shoulderArms is not a place to stayMore crowded in this worldThere is much in a hurryMV ( 40 ) with all the lonely timeFor their applauseI want to flyNot to borrow a pair of wingsFreedom is the distance that can not be replaced byWith the lonely journeyTo harvest growthUntil I met you shareNever mindNo matter what the lossThere is no traceEvery timeLet the tears flow back to heartTo irrigate dream of a miracleI want to be strongNot who shoulderArms is not a place to stayMore crowded in this worldThere is much in a hurryWith all the lonely timeFor their applauseI want to flyNot to borrow a pair of wingsFreedom is the distance that can not be replaced byWith the lonely journeyTo harvest growthUntil I met you shareI want to flyNot to borrow a pair of wingsFreedom is the distance that can not be replaced byWith the lonely journeyTo harvest growthUntil I met you share

热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 07:35

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