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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-13 10:10



热心网友 时间:2024-08-26 07:30

She always wears a smile on her face. Smile is a Chinese term, pronounced as "wēi xiào", which means to laugh silently or to show a subtle expression of joy. It is mentioned in the "Essay on the Love of Beauty" by Song Yu of the Warring States period: "With a hint of joy and a smile, stealthily looking around." Zhang Heng's "Thoughts on the Void" from the Han Dynasty describes it as: "With red lips and a smile, the face sparkles with leftover light." Smile is a universal expression understood across cultures, races, or religions. It is a way to convey happiness, joy, contentment, or pleasure. A smile is a form of non-verbal communication that is understood across different cultures. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is a universal way to express emotions. A smile is a form of international etiquette that reflects the most sincere respect and closeness between people. Smiling is the most basic etiquette and should accompany us throughout our work and daily lives. Whether we are dealing with customers, colleagues, family, or strangers, we should approach them with a smile. World Smile Day, also known as International Smile Day, is the only holiday established by the World Mental Health Organization in 1948 to celebrate human facial expressions. It falls on May 8th every year. The benefits of smiling include: 1. Strengthening the immune system: Smiling can make the immune system work better. When you smile, your immune function may improve due to relaxation. Smiling can prevent influenza and colds. 2. Reducing stress: When you smile, your blood pressure significantly drops. Laughter can remove excess stress and protect the inner lining of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks. When people laugh heartily, they engage over 400 muscles, effectively burning calories. 3. Decreasing cancer cells: Normal individuals have a certain number of cancer cells produced in their bodies every day. Fortunately, the natural killer cells in our bodies are the enemies of cancer cells and can destroy tumor cells. Studies have shown that a genuine smile can lead to better expression of 14 genes, thereby regulating the activity of natural killer cells. Smiling is beneficial for preventing cancer. 4. Preventing diseases: Maintaining a 20-minute smile or laughter each day can help prevent certain diseases. It can help prevent migraines, back pain, and improve the function of the digestive and respiratory systems, as well as treat conditions like arthritis.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-26 07:31

She always wears a smile on her face. Smile is a Chinese term, pronounced as "wēi xiào", which means to laugh silently or to show a subtle expression of joy. It is mentioned in the "Essay on the Love of Beauty" by Song Yu of the Warring States period: "With a hint of joy and a smile, stealthily looking around." Zhang Heng's "Thoughts on the Void" from the Han Dynasty describes it as: "With red lips and a smile, the face sparkles with leftover light." Smile is a universal expression understood across cultures, races, or religions. It is a way to convey happiness, joy, contentment, or pleasure. A smile is a form of non-verbal communication that is understood across different cultures. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is a universal way to express emotions. A smile is a form of international etiquette that reflects the most sincere respect and closeness between people. Smiling is the most basic etiquette and should accompany us throughout our work and daily lives. Whether we are dealing with customers, colleagues, family, or strangers, we should approach them with a smile. World Smile Day, also known as International Smile Day, is the only holiday established by the World Mental Health Organization in 1948 to celebrate human facial expressions. It falls on May 8th every year. The benefits of smiling include: 1. Strengthening the immune system: Smiling can make the immune system work better. When you smile, your immune function may improve due to relaxation. Smiling can prevent influenza and colds. 2. Reducing stress: When you smile, your blood pressure significantly drops. Laughter can remove excess stress and protect the inner lining of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of heart attacks. When people laugh heartily, they engage over 400 muscles, effectively burning calories. 3. Decreasing cancer cells: Normal individuals have a certain number of cancer cells produced in their bodies every day. Fortunately, the natural killer cells in our bodies are the enemies of cancer cells and can destroy tumor cells. Studies have shown that a genuine smile can lead to better expression of 14 genes, thereby regulating the activity of natural killer cells. Smiling is beneficial for preventing cancer. 4. Preventing diseases: Maintaining a 20-minute smile or laughter each day can help prevent certain diseases. It can help prevent migraines, back pain, and improve the function of the digestive and respiratory systems, as well as treat conditions like arthritis.
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