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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-15 06:54



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:03



题目:— Let’s go to this movie and see what excitingexperience it will bring to us.—______

答案:Can’t wait to watch it.

题目:_____by the promise of these tiny tubes,people are already working to turn the Space Elevator into a reality.


题目:— According to a report of what holidaysin the future might look like, a trip to the Moon or a stay in space will be themost mouthwatering destination for 2024 holidaymakers.— _____ , especially for thrill-seekingtravelers like me.


题目:— How do you like Anne Hathaway—_____ .

答案:She is amazing

题目:— Space travel must be very very expensive.—_____. The cost of a seat on the Virgin craft is $ 250,000.

答案:Of course.

题目:— You need to believe that space tourismwill grow and get cheaper. Maybe there is another option.— _____ .

答案:What is it?

题目:Absolutely, that movie _____and I must admitthat its director is brilliant.

答案:took my breath away

题目:Everything we do has the potential_____ creatingsome bad.


题目:I think the benefits of opening up spacefar_____the damage that we can see.


题目:If Gardener_____, who will take care of us?


题目:Our part of the mission is nearly completeand the new crew will _____ for us.

答案:take over

题目:The atlas is normally kept by the big windowbut now it is _____to the wall right next to Broccoli.


题目:There will be a space hotel in BarcelonaIsland, _____ you can experience space travel by viewing lifelike galaxies throughcabin windows.


题目:When we were students we_____ often stayup all night.


题目:You____the Inception, since I remember onceyou discussed its main plot with Cathy.

答案:must have watched




Today Gardener and his crew will departin their seed pod; the replacement crew is ready to {A. carry away; B. carry on;C. carry through} in their place. He is wearing ….. 后面试题题目省略

答案:1:B. carry on; 2:A. functional; 3:C. opening; 4:C. blink; 5:B.turned out



JANET: Hey, how about getting together fora movie tonight?

DANNY: Sure. ()

JANET: Well, let me check the Internet.What about the Interstellar?

DANNY: Wow, I learn that it stars Anne Hathaway,my favorite actress.

JANET: Well, (), but I am more interested in the film director.

….. 后面试题题目省略

答案:1:E; 2:A; 3:D; 4:B; 5:C
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