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找一首英文歌女声的很节奏感高潮部分yi~ing nan be nan be yi的一声...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-17 06:21



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 17:18

Forget You - Cady Groves
You, You
Must have been a long walk,
How'd you make it across the other side of the tracks?
Then you ran into me,
And you made me believe in my own laugh.
And every time that we talk,
It's like we're taking a walk around our own little town.
But when we hang up the phone,
All I hear is alone, I hate, that sound.
I gotta put my heart to the test,
Gonna wrap it in a bulletproof vest,
Cause in time, you'll be runnin' to me,
Flowers in hand, but until then,
I won't forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget you.
It's like you fell from outer space,
And you can bet your pretty face,
You will never be replaced,
I won't forget you.
It's just a matter of time,
You know what's mine is yours,
I've put it all on the line.
And every day I say I love you more
than I did before and I don't think it's a lie.
This is our bedtime story
That we're gonna tell our kids,
And I'll watch you fall asleep,
While holdin' all three, but until then,
I won't forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget you.
It's like you fell from outer space,
And you can bet your pretty face,
You will never be replaced,
I won't forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget, forget, forget, forget, forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget, I won't forget you.
It's like you fell from outer space,
And you can bet your pretty face,
You will never be replaced,
I won't forget you.

热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 17:16

Forget You - Cady Groves
You, You
Must have been a long walk,
How'd you make it across the other side of the tracks?
Then you ran into me,
And you made me believe in my own laugh.
And every time that we talk,
It's like we're taking a walk around our own little town.
But when we hang up the phone,
All I hear is alone, I hate, that sound.
I gotta put my heart to the test,
Gonna wrap it in a bulletproof vest,
Cause in time, you'll be runnin' to me,
Flowers in hand, but until then,
I won't forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget you.
It's like you fell from outer space,
And you can bet your pretty face,
You will never be replaced,
I won't forget you.
It's just a matter of time,
You know what's mine is yours,
I've put it all on the line.
And every day I say I love you more
than I did before and I don't think it's a lie.
This is our bedtime story
That we're gonna tell our kids,
And I'll watch you fall asleep,
While holdin' all three, but until then,
I won't forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget you.
It's like you fell from outer space,
And you can bet your pretty face,
You will never be replaced,
I won't forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget, forget, forget, forget, forget you.
So when the stars come out at night,
And we're watching the same sky,
You can tell there's no surprise,
I won't forget, I won't forget you.
It's like you fell from outer space,
And you can bet your pretty face,
You will never be replaced,
I won't forget you.
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