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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-13 09:49



热心网友 时间:2024-09-22 17:36

The trend of waste sorting has recently sparked a heated discussion on social media, particularly on platforms like Weibo. A humorous saying has gained popularity: "Wet waste is what can be fed to pigs; dry waste is what even pigs reject; hazardous waste is what can kill pigs; and recyclable waste is what pigs can exchange for." Although this statement has been debunked by authorities, it accurately reflects the growing awareness of waste sorting. Today, let's dive into the English translations of these four types of waste with Xiao Miao, and perhaps gain some new insights that can enhance our waste sorting skills!
1. Hazardous Waste - 危险废物
* ha·zar·dous (adj.) - dangerous
* waste (n.) - waste, mp
* Definition: Hazardous waste refers to items that pose a significant risk to human health or the environment if discarded carelessly. Examples include batteries, paint, paint buckets, and mercury thermometers.
2. Recyclable Waste - 可回收物
* re·cycl·able (adj.) - recyclable
* Definition: Recyclable waste is easily identifiable and includes items such as paper procts, plastic items, and glass. Common examples are used newspapers, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles.
3. Household Food Waste - 湿垃圾
* house·hold (adj.) - household
* Definition: The English name implies a connection to food. Household food waste includes food scraps, food processing waste, and waste from catering services, as defined by Bai Encyclopedia.
4. Resial Waste - 干垃圾
* re·si·al (adj.) - resial
* Definition: Resial waste acts as a catch-all category for items that do not belong to wet waste, hazardous waste, or recyclable waste. If an item doesn't fit into any other category, it's considered "dry waste."
Did you learn something new about waste sorting today? The strict implementation of waste sorting in Shanghai reflects the city's commitment to environmental protection and the growing consciousness of eco-friendly practices. Let's take action together to integrate waste sorting into our daily lives and contribute to the construction of a better environment!
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