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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 17:12



热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 05:29

Food between China and Western countries are totally different styles. China has 5000 years history. We probably spend half of time on food. Chinese people choice food very carefully. They only use fresh material to make food. For example they only eat fresh fish. Chinese have a lot of ideas and techniques for cooking. We can cook a chicken in over ten ways. That’s why Chinese food is so popular in the world. Western country like English or American, they don’t have fresh food because they buy their food from supermarket which only sells stored materials. Western people would also prefer fast food like burgers and chips. They are unhealthy to human body. Western people do not have many skills for cooking, mostly they only boil, steam and bake the food. By the way, western people are very good at making desert and chocolate. They can make very good cake and chocolate. They are very sweet but it’s sort of food which make you become fat quickly.
In china if you invite people for meal, the person who invited other people would pay for the meal but it’s not the way in Western country. In western country people will think you only invited me but it’s not your responsibility to pay for me. I can afford it. They won’t be happy if you pay for them. People in China would always put dishes into customer’s plate to show their hospitality, but they will think it’s not healthy because your chopsticks have been used by you. In western country like America not England, people will always give tips to waiter after they finished meal in a restaurant. If you don’t they will not be happy because tips are one of their major income. In china this only happen in some top restaurants and hotels in large international cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Western people will also think you are rude if you make sound during the meal. Western people do not hold their bowl up even when they have a bowl of soup.
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