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...英文 我要演讲 急需跪求 谢谢! 生活还在继续,我们不应该停滞不前...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 12:42



热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 14:48

Life continues, we should not remain stagnant. Emotion, the game, lazy,weariness. Perhaps you are troubled by these factors. You said to myself: itshould be like this, to enjoy, to madness. Yes, we are in youth. But it should not go to waste, but a kind of capital, one can go all lengths up capital. At this time we impulse, strong, be full of go. Who also don't know oneselftogether life to do a thing, will make what kind of fruit. So why don't we go tohave a try? A person only once in a lifetime of youth, with all of your youth,to do something you think is worth it. You may use the youth in track and field, sweat, you may use youth to draw the exquisite picture, you may with the youth to get a satisfactory answer... You have more choices. But no matter what is your choice, you have to, you have to win.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 14:42

Life continues, we should not remain stagnant. Emotion, the game, lazy, weariness.Perhaps you are troubled by these factors. You said to myself: it should be like this,to enjoy, to madness. Yes, we are in youth. But it should not go to waste, but a kind ofcapital, one can go all lengths up capital. At this time we impulse, strong, be full of go.Who also don't know oneself together life to do a thing, will make what kind of fruit. Sowhy don't we go to have a try? A person only once in a lifetime of youth, with all of your youth, to do something you think is worth it. You may use the youth in track and field, sweat, you may use youth to draw the exquisite picture, you may with the youth to get a satisfactory answer... You have more choices. But no matter what is your choice, you have to, you have to win.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 14:46


热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 14:43

Life continues, we should not stagnate. Emotion, games, lazy, weariness. Maybe now you are being plagued by these factors. You comfort yourself: youth should be like this, to enjoy, to madness. Yes, we are in youth. But the youth should not go to squander, but a capital, a way to cynical plunge in the capital. This time, we urge a good strong, energetic. Who do not know their own lives to fight up to do one thing, what would get the fruits. So why not give it a try? A young person's life only once, with all your youth to do a thing you think it is worth it. Perhaps you in track and field with the youth sweat, maybe you fine with the youth to draw a picture, maybe you go with the youth exchange a satisfactory answer ... you have more choices. But no matter what your choice is, you have hard, you have to win.
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