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Feels So Good (Album Version) 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 14:21



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 19:50

歌曲名:Feels So Good (Album Version)
歌手:Gabriela Anders

Ne-Yo - Feels So Good
We up in this room (Yea)
I'm here putting it down on you (mmm)
Now your pushing back At me
and I don't want to let you leave
But baby girl You feel so good
Lil mama tha thing is so good
Girl the way that moving so good
I wanna do it again do it again (so good)
Stop acting crazy imma keep it real
C I just need some one that gives me something I could feel
Have a little small talk and a nite on the town
It could all be yours if you go a nother round
Don't wanna loose you in it cuz the groove iz in it
But it really don't matter long as you be in it
Boo wats gotten in to you
I told you I got a interview but you wanna get intimate
Why you tryna get in to it
Baby I noe you got moves to make
But you ain't leaving till I get a nother taste
I ain't ashamed to say you got a nigga open babe
And imma need some more b4 you get away
We up in this room (Yea)
I'm here putting it down on you (mmm)
Now your pushing back At me
and I don't want to let you leave
But baby girl You feel so good
Lil mama tha thing is so good
Girl the way that moving so good
I wanna do it again do it again (so good)
Yea you pushed further and I'm seeing that you loving it
I'm pushed back and got you calling out ma government like Reminisce
I'm really feeling this and I don't like to kiss but I really like ya lips
See I'm tryna hold it but I cant control it
Ma mind is telling me stop but my body it keeps going
You want me to stay but I wish I could
Another day but tell me why I should
Baby I noe you got moves to make
But you ain't leaving till I get a nother taste
I ain't ashamed to say you got a nigga open babe
And imma need some more b4 you get away
We up in this room (ooowowo)
I'm here putting it down on you (mmm)
Now your pushing back At me
and I don't want to let you leave
Cuz baby girl You feel so good
Lil mama tha thing is so good
Girl the way that moving so good
I wanna do it again do it again (so good)
So good you cant even keep your hands off
So good you feel you need to go and put ya mans on
You got ya black berry off and your phone vibrating
And all you wanna noe iz why ma legs keep shaking
See we both grown and I noe wen the feel is rite
And wat you saying is making me wanna spend the nite
And now I focused and I'm open cuz ya noticed me
And I was hoping you'd say can I take you home with me
Baby I noe you got moves to make
But you ain't leaving till I get a nother taste
I ain't ashamed to say you got a nigga open babe
And imma need some more b4 you get away
We up in this room (We up in this room)
I'm here putting it down on you (owowowoo yea)
Now your pushing back At me don't want to let you leave
But baby girl You feel so good
Lil mama tha thing is so good
And baby girl you feel so good
Girl the way that moving so good
I wanna do it again do it again (so good)


1. It's Ok 2. Love Won't Wait 3. The Tide Is High 4. Feels So Good 5. Walking on the Water 6. The Moment You Leave Me 7. The Last Goodbye 8. Love Doesn't Have to Hurt 9. Softer the Touch 10. The Way That You Are 11. Baby Don't U Hurt Me 12. So Hot 13. Maybe ...


34. the day you went away--M2M是当之无愧的小甜甜咯,相信谁都不会忍心伤害这样的女生,不过歌词有点伤感,我们从来都不知道珍惜所拥有的直到永远的失去它,将如何承受这种痛苦,现在,我不得不说,我是真的真的失去了你...35. when you say nothing at all--Krauss多次被评为世界最美的女声,坐拥11座格莱美奖...

Acoustic Version Single Version Another Version minSdkVersion Full Version Karaoke Version 小情歌歌词 千千阙歌歌词 下山歌曲歌词
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