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有一个著名歌剧内有一句词"it's time to say goodbye"请问名字是...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 02:52



热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 06:28

告别的时刻(意大利语:Con te partirò [kon ˈte ppartiˈrɔ];英语:Time to Say Goodbye )
一首意大利歌剧流行音乐,由弗朗西斯科·萨托利(Francesco Sartori)作曲、卢西奥·库兰特图(Lucio Quarantotto)作词。该首单曲最初是由安德烈·波伽利在1995年的意大利圣雷莫音乐会演唱的,并于同年收录在他的《Bocelli》专辑中,并认为是安德烈·波伽利的代表歌曲。该歌曲的英语版本,是在第二次创作后,与女高音歌唱家莎拉·布莱曼合唱的版本得到了成功性的广泛传播。
Artister: Andrea Bocelli, Sarah Brightman
Film: The Harem World Tour: Live from Las Vegas

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 06:29


热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 06:28

沙拉布莱曼《time to say goodbye》

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 06:33

time to say goodbye 打印此页
歌手:jordan montell 专辑:get it on tonite
feat. Tyler Parris
Background Vocals: Estee Davis, Kim Morrow, De'Andrea Foster
Maisha Dunn, Arthur Ray Lee Jr, Danny Nixon
[TP] I'm so ready for everybody to go home
[MJ] Yeah, me too
[TP] I want you so bad right now
[MJ] You ready?
[TP] Let's do this
Think it's time to say goodbye
To our company
Now it's time to say goodbye
To all our company
I don't wanna wait any longer, yeah
Some friends came by to kick it
But the time is passing slow
We've wined and dined for half the night
We told every joke that we know
Now I don't mind entertaining
But your body language is telling me
Jordan Montell
Along with your bedroom eyes
Feels like it's time for them to leave now
1 - It's getting late
And I don't want them to stay
They don't have to go home
But they gotta get up, get out, and get on
2 - Think it's time to say goodbye
To our company
So glad they could come
But they stayed too long
Don't mean to be rude
But they need to go home
3 - Now it's time to say goodbye
To all our company
We're so glad you could come
They stayed too long
Don't mean to be rude
They need to go home
Baby, I'm feeling you
And I'm glad you're so attentive to my every move
I know that you want it
So why don't we just play it cool
Let's wait a while is what I said before
But this waiting is making me want you more
Repeat 1
Repeat 2
Repeat 3
We like it when you drop by for a minute
Excited that you came by here to kick it
But when they see the foreplay in our eyes
I think they should realize
That it's getting time to go
I can sneak a feel and they won't know
We want you to go home
We need to spend tonight alone
Tonight alone, tonight alone boy
Repeat 3
Repeat 2
Repeat 3
Gave me a sign
The look in your eyes
Says you want it baby
Put yourself on it babe
Can't take it no more
Won't you lay on the floor
And I'll be keeping you warm
I'm so glad that they're gone


热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 06:36

The new boy或者是Time to see goodbye
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