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以stay away from eqidemics为题目写一篇英语作文?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 01:17



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:13


[翻译] Spring is a season of frequently-occurring diseases how to prevent the occurrence of it? Start with yourself.
First of all, we should wash our hands before eating, so as to prevent us from breathing bacteria into the body to prevent the occurrence of diseases. And we had better not after the gym class clothes, so cold and hot is easy to catch a cold. And always pay attention to our personal hygiene, so as to prevent bacteria from sneaking into the body. If you already have a cold, we shouldn't be laughing at someone when we sneeze. Also often drink water and take medicine on time, so as to make you quickly better, get rid of the pain.
What's more, many of us will throw away the garbage, even the trash can in front of the will also throw away, which will not only pollute the environment, but also let us get disease. Because garbage can give rise to mosquito bites, which can also spread disease. What's more, if everyone does this, our life will be messy and it will affect our living environment. In fact, as long as we take a few small steps, civilization will take a big step, see the garbage bent to pick up our living environment will be cleaner, cleaner, more beautiful.
Let's do it together! Let the disease away from us, let the civilization one step closer!

谢谢(*°∀°)=3 希望您能采纳!


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