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使役动词+sb/sth done这种表示只要是使役动词都有吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 23:52



热心网友 时间:2024-08-26 01:23

a. have somebody do sth让某人去做某事
I had him arrange for a car.
b. have somebody doing sth.让某人持续做某事。
He had us laughing all through lunch.
c.have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到
eg:you 'd better have your teeth pulled out. He had his pocket picked. notes: "done"这个动作不是主语发出来的。
i won't have you running around in the house.

1. have sb do 让某人干某事
e.g:What would you have me do?
have sb/sth doing 让某人或某事处于某种状态,听任
e.g: I won't have women working in our company.
The two cheats had the light burning all night long.
have sth done 让别人干某事,遭受到
e.g:you 'd better have your teeth pulled out.
He had his pocket picked.
notes: "done"这个动作不是主语发出来的。
2.make sb do sth 让某人干某事
e.g:They made me repeat the story.
What makes the grass grow?
notes: I was made to repeat the story.
make sb/sth done/adj./n
e.g. The news made him happy.
He couldn't make himself heard above the noise of the traffic.
His actions made him universally respected.
He made her his wife.
3.get sb to do 使某人干某事
e.g: I can't get anyone to do the work properly.
get sth done 让别人干某事
e.g: I must get my hair cut.
Can you get the work finished in time?
4.leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事
e.g: We left him to paint the gate.
I'll leave you to settle all the business.
leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态
e.g: Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.
We left him painting the gate.
leave sth done/adj./prep.phrase
e.g:Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.
His illness has left him weak.
I was left with a ray of hope.

使役性动词(Causative Verb)
1.make /have/ let +sb +do sth.
2.get/set/leave + sb to do/doing sth.
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