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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 01:12



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 14:00

s home of legislative debate represents human liberty in the purest form yet devised. Here are centered the hopes and aspirations and faith of the entire human race. I do not stand here as advocate for any partisan cause, for the issues are fundamental and reach quite beyond the realm of partisan consideration. They must be resolved on the highest plane of national interest if our course is to prove sound and our future protected. I trust, therefore, that you will do me the justice of receiving that which I have to say as solely expressing the considered viewpoint of a fellow American.



英语作文:When asked my reason as to why I want to be a nurse ,I find myself discussing more than one .This is because my answer has three facets :empathetic compassion for those who suffer ,job challenge ,and finally :job security .Each of these three driving reasons are in...




英语作文:When asked my reason as to why I want to be a nurse ,I find myself discussing more than one .This is because my answer has three facets :empathetic compassion for those who suffer ,job challenge ,and finally :job security .Each of these three driving reasons are in...


i want to be a nurse in the future.i think it a good job to be a nurse. i like taking care of others . i feel very happy to help others. when i was six years old ,i fell ill ,my mother sent me to the hospital, a beautiful nurse often sang songs for me .so i...


as he lay in bed alone because his son didn't come to see him. I felt drawn to go stand by this man and let him know that he was not alone . The look of gratitude in his eyes as he weakly whispered to me "thanks ", was the first compelling I had in considering ...


写作思路:根据题目要求,以“我想成为一名护士”作为主题,可以写为何想当一名护士,正文:I really want to be a nurse. In my mind, a nurse is a angels in white, who drives away the pain and troubles of patients with a sweet smile and a kind heart.我好想当一名护士,在我的心目...

我为什么要当一名护士 英语作文

as he lay in bed alone because his son didn't come to see him. I felt drawn to go stand by this man and let him know that he was not alone . The look of gratitude in his eyes as he weakly whispered to me "thanks ", was the first compelling I had in considering ...


写作思路:根据题目要求,以“我想成为一名护士”作为主题,可以写为何想当一名护士,正文:I really want to be a nurse. In my mind, a nurse is a angels in white, who drives away the pain and troubles of patients with a sweet smile and a kind heart.我好想当一名护士,在我的心目...


I want to bring my support to those patients who need it and spread my warmth like those nurses. I believe I will be a nurse who can help patients to relieve their pain not only physically but also mentally.本文主要讲的是,护士是个很神圣和美丽的工作,主体讲的是原因。为什么想...

我为什么要做护士的英语作文 我的工作是护士的英语作文 我最喜欢的工作是护士英语作文 作为一名护士英语作文 我想成为一个护士英语作文 英语作文我是一名护士 我想当护士英语作文 如何成为一名合格的护士英语作文 梦想成为一名护士英语作文
我11月30号在淘宝网上给手机充话费,100元的。到现在快三天了还没... ...卖家用自动充值系统给买家充值发货了,为什么买家没有收到话费呢? 淘宝手机充值对方显示充值成功,可手机怎么没有收到话费呢 用iphone4手机更新和下载一下些软件,还未完全下载完,现在不想要了,但下... 如何删除iPhoneiPad正在下载的任务App iphone4未下载完程序的图标删除 ...您已成功参加上海移动客户关怀充值活动..."是真的吗? 手机之前交了20元话费,前几天还有19元,刚刚来条短信说你一成功购买什么... 你们有谁做百度问问20元话费这个到账了?求解释这个好久到账 充完话费回的短信内容 跪求!我需要一片英语作文!是写护士的!题目是我的工作!80字左右… win7电脑读取u盘很慢(电脑读取u盘慢什么问题) 为什么电脑上的u盘读取速度很慢? u盘突然读取速度很慢怎么回事? 劳动合同终止前提可以自行约定吗 烹饪龙虾时为什么要放虾尿 怎样养龙虾的基本知识 普通铁碗用什么仪器可以看 4s店质保是什么意思 通过售后进行了维修质保期是多久 熟醉梭子蟹的制作方法窍门熟醉梭子蟹做法 转呼啦圈能瘦肚子上的肉吗 会反弹不谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 转呼啦圈能瘦肚子吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 转呼啦圈可以减掉腰部和肚子上的肉吗?要经常转吗?会反弹么拜托了各位... 转呼啦圈能减肚子上的赘肉吗?易反弹吗? 关于武林的电视剧,有几个和尚叫法正法静法能 u盘怎么下载歌曲到手机里 光盘库系统哪家做得比较专业一些? 小贝漏水抢修是如何定位漏水点的? 扫小贝填姓名身份证要不要紧 硬币放在普通瓷杯碗里面怎么看透 长宁老牌豪宅登场——【夏都·幸福268】(华山夏都苑二期)综合评测分析... 笔记本怎么开机笔记本电脑怎么开机 口蘑蘑菇汤的家常做法 蘑菇汤有哪些家常做法? 煲蘑菇汤的家常做法大全 新安装的水晶灯会发出喀滋喀滋的声音 关灯后有时也会响? 美容院K 衰类的项目消除双下巴的效果怎么样? 我想知道瘦脸的方法哪个最实际?(我唯一的分都送) 因的意思古义 工艺管道是哪些管道呢 古风三字网名女仙气 好听的qq名女孩古风仙气尽揽少女心的仙气网名一袭可爱风 如何解绑小程序帐号? 志愿者审核成功就能有工时吗审核 志愿者工时怎样快速增加? 我有个情人 我多次拒绝他上床的要求 他提出分手 我很痛苦 想发疯 谁能... ...有白色的脓状分泌物,已经有几年的病情了。我是不是得了鼻炎... 中华人民共和国对外贸易法目 录 废旧电瓶回收多少钱一斤?