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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 01:00



热心网友 时间:2024-08-24 09:20

Coco Fragrant Mango, also known by its English name Dashehari, is a prominent commercial variety in the region, predominantly cultivated in the southwestern part of Hainan Island, China. Although there were some limited introductions in places like Leizhou Peninsula and Nanning, Guangxi, their yields were low and they have since been phased out from commercial cultivation.

The tree of Coco Fragrant Mango has a moderate to strong vigor, forming an oval-shaped canopy with numerous branches and sturdy twigs. The leaves are a deep green color, relatively small, and have pointed tips, with wavy edges. The young shoots exhibit a light green hue tinged with a pale purple shade.

Flowering occurs between December and March, with the green-colored flower stems. The fruit matures between May and June, typically in the form of an oval or椭圆形. When ripe, the skin turns a deep yellow to orange hue, while the flesh inside is a bright orange to red, characterized by its firm and smooth texture, with a rich, sweet flavor reminiscent of coconut milk. The quality is exceptional, containing soluble solids at 17-19%, total sugar at 16.3-17%, organic acids at 0.08-0.16%, and vitamin C ranging from 16 to 31 mg per 100g. An average fruit weight is around 120-150 grams.

Its productivity is noteworthy. High-stem grafted trees begin flowering in their second year, while seedlings from嫁接 begin experimenting with flowering in the third year. By the fourth year, they start bearing fruit, and the average yield per plant reaches 2.8 kilograms. By the fifth year, this increases to an average of 7.5 kilograms, and by the sixth year, it peaks at 13.7 kilograms per plant.


椰香芒又名鸡蛋芒、印度9号、印度909,台湾名"大益利"。原产印度,在中国海南、广东雷州半岛、广西南宁等地有少量栽培。果实卵形至椭圆形,成熟时果皮深黄至橙黄色,果肉橙黄 至橙红色,肉质结实、腻滑,味浓甜,具有椰乳香味,品质上等。含维生素A、B、C及矿物质元素。含有丰富的糖及多种人体需要氨基酸等。

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