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请问国外Discussion Paper类型的文章水平如何?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 22:21



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 04:36

a "discussion paper" is : a very specific paper that looks at a question, an insight, or an observation about a line, character, paragraph, image, or idea in the reading assigned since the previous paper. The purpose is to get discussion going and look at the different insites presented.
It should be more about symbolism or imagery and not about how boring you found it. It also should discuss political and social situations of the culture where it was written. 自问自答,呵呵,希望对大家也有用。

热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 04:39

a "discussion paper" is : a very specific paper that looks at a question, an insight, or an observation about a line, character, paragraph, image, or idea in the reading assigned since the previous paper. The purpose is to get discussion going and look at the different insites presented.
It should be more about symbolism or imagery and not about how boring you found it. It also should discuss political and social situations of the culture where it was written. 自问自答,呵呵,希望对大家也有用。
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