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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 23:41



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 13:54

1. Beautiful Days - Kyla
"I see beautiful days with you,
I feel beautiful ways of loving you.
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you."
- The lyrics express the gratitude for the lovely moments shared with someone, highlighting the depth of affection and the appreciation for each day spent together.
2. "You came along
In an unexpected time
It was so divine
Knowing you are mine
It feels so right
When I look into your eyes
I never knew that love
Could make me feel this way
I can't wait for the day
When I can truly say."
- These lines describe the wonder of love's arrival and the transformative power it holds. The speaker ismesmerized by the unexpected depth of their feelings and looks forward to a future where they can openly declare their love.
3. "With you, I felt fine
So right,
I've sang so many songs in stages
With thousands of them watching me
But you're here with me now
And I sing this song to you
To you, baby
Just for you
Just for you."
- The speaker expresses the comfort and rightness they feel in the presence of their partner. They acknowledge their history performing for others but highlight the special significance of performing for their love, dedicating the song solely to them.
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