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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 06:43



热心网友 时间:2024-08-23 09:56

I rested by the river's edge,
Wondering where it might lead,
Lay down by the river's edge,
And found myself in a river bed.
Flowers adorned my hair,
River blooms, everywhere, floating,
Fishes kissed my feet,
Dear old fishes, spoke to me.
"Oh, we could love you," they said,
"But we're not what you seek,
For oh, anyone could love you,
You must find where you belong, where you belong."
All my needles, swiftly gone,
Not a single one remained,
I grew weaker, while the river grew strong,
I called out to the fishes, but they were gone.
The boulders, I know, heard my cries,
Stoney faces, they stood by,
So I journeyed at the river's pace,
Eyes closed, I thought I heard their voice.
"Oh, we could love you," they seemed to say,
"But we're not what you long for,
For oh, we'd only harm you,
You must find where you belong, where you belong."
How does it feel, to be so sure,
Without question, of your purpose,
Your position, your place, your home?
You cannot grasp the river, though,
It makes you think you might,
It slips through your grasp, while you try to hold it tight,
Just like I am, just like I am,
Just like I am, just like I am.
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