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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 13:36



热心网友 时间:2024-09-02 19:04


  Step 1 Presentation

  Get the students have an general idea about the differences between American and British English by playing a tape of various people’s talking。 Ask them what countries they think these people come from。

  Step 2 Warming Up

  Get the students to look at the picture and ask the questions: What do you think Joe is looking for in the bathroom? Why can’t he find it?

  Step 3 Reading

  Ask the students to read the dialogue carefully in part 1。 Then get the students to think: What is it that causes the misunderstanding between Joe and the landlady, Nancy? If necessary, explain some language points。

  Step 4 Speaking

  Ask the students to read the dialogue in the part SPEAKING to learn more differences between the British and American English。 Then complete the following sentences as well。

  Step 5 Practice

  Ask the students to make a similar dialogue。

  Step 6 Listening

  Listen to the tape and fill the blanks in the part LISTENING。

  Step 7 Homework

  Finish exercise1 on page 91 in the TALKING part。


  Step 1 Revision

  Check the homework。

  Step 2 Presentation

  Show the students some pictures in different situations in order to get them know everywhere English is needed。

  Step 3 Reading

  Ask the students to read the text。 And find the topic sentence in each paragraph。

  Step 4 Post-Reading

  Ask the students to answer the questions in the part POST-READING。 If necessary, explain some language points。 Then according to what they have read, get them to fill in the blanks in the following exerecise2。

  Step 5 Homework

  Finish exercise in the part PRACTISING in their workbooks。。

  Lesson 3

  Step 1。Revision

  Check the home work。

  Step 2 Word Study

  Ask the students to match the words on the left with their meaning on the right。

  Step 3 Grammar

  Ask the students to say something about the differences between a command and a request。 Then tell which is a command and which is a request。

  Step 4 Practice

  Let the students to change the sentences into Direct Speech。 And then finish exercise 3 in the same part。

  Step 5 Workbook

  If times permits, ask the students to finish the exercise2 in their workbooks in part Grammar。

  Step 6 Homework

  Review the last part what is Direct Speech and what is Indirect Speech。

  Lesson 4

  Step 1 Revision

  Check the homework。 by doing exercise 1 in part Grammar in the workbook。。

  Step 2 Presentation

  Play a tape of various people’s talking。 Ask which is from England and which from America。 How do they tell? In this way draw the students’ attention to the difference on the pronunciation。

  Step 3 Reading

  Ask the students to read the text and be prepared for one question how come the difference between the American English and the British English。 Explain some language points if necessary。

  Ask the students to read the text again carefully and finish the exercise on page 13。

  Step 4 Retelling

  Ask the students to say something about the difference between the American English and the British English according to what they just learned。

  Step 5 Specific Reading

  Students read the paragraph about American English and fill in the chart on page 14。

  Step 6 Homework

  Ask the students to write a short passage about the dialects in Chinese。 They can use the text as a simple。

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