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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 14:48



热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 06:42

Australia Knocs Pty,Ltd, a pioneer in digital热水器 technology, was established in Victoria, Australia. The company is globally recognized for its advanced research and production systems, aligning with the international standards in the热水器 industry. Operating with a global mindset and leveraging its technological prowess, management expertise, and service excellence, Knocs ventured into the Chinese market.

Having been in service to China for over a decade, Knocs, in 1998, entered the country with the establishment of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Zhongshan Tianli Sanitary Appliances (AUS) Co., Ltd. The company has since adapted its technology and manufacturing capabilities to suit the Chinese market, boasting a remarkable 90% self-production rate for components. Recognized by the Chinese government with eight patents, Knocs stands atop the industry in terms of technological innovation and manufacturing scale.

Not content with just技术创新, Knocs constantly pushes boundaries, achieving a remarkable 7-second rapid temperature stability. They were the first to establish an energy efficiency management system, demonstrating their commitment to global sustainability. Responding to the call for a low-carbon economy, Knocs designs and produces eco-friendly products, empowering consumers to embrace a greener lifestyle. Their mission is clear: to be the global provider of water services for a sustainable, low-carbon future.
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