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...till the end 这句唱两遍然后是my lover my friend?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 15:55



热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 22:49

My Lover, My Friend
by AJ Mitchell
Hopeful (2018)
Full Text
[Verse 1]
Love, it comes and goes
In the moment it can all just float away
But I ain't going nowhere
I'll be with you even when we're old and grey

The moment that my heart stops burnin'
Is when the clocks stop turnin'

Oooh, I'll be there till the end, I'll be there till the end
Oooh, I'll be there till the end, I'll be there till the end
My lover, my friend

[Verse 2]
Life, it waits for no one
If you're not careful it can all just pass you by
I've got to learn, learn how to slow down
'Cause damn, you make it good to be alive

The moment that my heart stops burnin'
Is when the world stops turnin'

Oooh, I'll be there till the end, I'll be there till the end
Oooh, I'll be there till the end, I'll be there till the end
My lover, my friend
I'll be there till the end, yeah
Oooh, I'll be there till the end, I'll be there till the end
My lover, my friend

热心网友 时间:2024-08-21 22:48

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