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CSS的《Give Up》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 21:29



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 01:13

歌曲名:Give Up

CSS - Give Up
You can press it
You can push but it will always be the same
and I've been waiting so long
Anyway... how does it feel to be free again?
I want to fall in love again
I want to feel the summer flame
You know I really want to stay
I have to go it's just getting late
Check out!
the door
I'm out!
Give up on this
don't give up on you
Give up on me
don't give up on us
Give up on me
don't give up on you
Give up on this
don't give up on us
Night are so long
Fast run the days
Chunky as a lifetime
Wrapped inside a cage
Tasting new sensation
Body exploration
Tiny declarations
I wanna run to the milky way
How many games do we have to play?
It's a new face but it looks the same
Just send me back to Amsterdam
And if you see me cyring
see me begging
see me lying,
all right now!
And if you see me drinking
see me calling in the morning
All right now
All right now
All right now
Give up on this
don't give up on you
Give up on me
don't give up on us
Give up on me
don't give up on you
Give up on this
don't give up on us
Just waking up
It's hard to say
I just feel I am not the same
Blending all the coffee
Laughting at a party
Acting like it's normal
Feeling all the borredom
This time I wont make any mistakes
Will you forget who I am?
Everything changes in a day
My heart reminds it's you I crave!
And if you see me cyring
see me begging
see me lying,
all right now!
And if you see me drinking
see me calling in the morning
All right now
All right now
All right now
Life is just too serious
If won't be mysterious
Life is just too serious
If won't be mysterious
Life is just too serious
If won't be mysterious
Life is just too short
You know what it cost.
Life is just too serious
If won't be mysterious
Life is just too serious
If won't be mysterious
Life is just too serious
If won't be mysterious
Life is just too short
You know what it cost.

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