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论文的摘要翻译,本人能力有限,网专业人士帮忙那个翻译下哟?_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 20:05



热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 17:57

Economic development and the advancement of technology. Construction is not only to make a Zhefengdangyu, warm the cold-proof shelters and then into a feeling that can respond, can transmit information to judge the decision-making, in particular, to adapt to changes in the conditions of a safe, efficient and comfortable Living and working environment. The graduation project is the construction programme in the reception centres and the use of units on the basis of specific requirements for the design of construction plans. Design elements include: power supply system, lighting, mine buildings, ground and security, cable television, integrated wiring, automatic fire alarm, and so on.
Key words: power supply system, building mine, grounding and security, and cable television.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-27 17:52

Economical development, technical progress. Causes the building not only again is keeps out wind and rain, maintains warmth the cold-resistant sanctuary, then becomes one to have the feeling, to be able to respond that can the transmit message, be able to judge the decision-making, specially can adapt each kind of change condition insecurity, highly effective, comfortable life, working conditions. This graduation project is in the reception centers construction plan and in the Measure unit to be used specific request foundation, carries on the construction drawing the design. The design content includes: For electrical power distribution system, illumination, building anti-radar, earth and security, cable TV, synthesis wiring, fire auto-alarm and so on

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 12:59

Economic development and the advancement of technology. Construction is not only to make a Zhefengdangyu, warm the cold-proof shelters and then into a feeling that can respond, can transmit information to judge the decision-making, in particular, to adapt to changes in the conditions of a safe, efficient and comfortable Living and working environment. The graduation project is the construction programme in the reception centres and the use of units on the basis of specific requirements for the design of construction plans. Design elements include: power supply system, lighting, mine buildings, ground and security, cable television, integrated wiring, automatic fire alarm, and so on.
Key words: power supply system, building mine, grounding and security, and cable television.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-31 13:04

Economical development, technical progress. Causes the building not only again is keeps out wind and rain, maintains warmth the cold-resistant sanctuary, then becomes one to have the feeling, to be able to respond that can the transmit message, be able to judge the decision-making, specially can adapt each kind of change condition insecurity, highly effective, comfortable life, working conditions. This graduation project is in the reception centers construction plan and in the Measure unit to be used specific request foundation, carries on the construction drawing the design. The design content includes: For electrical power distribution system, illumination, building anti-radar, earth and security, cable TV, synthesis wiring, fire auto-alarm and so on
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