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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 18:24



热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 17:56

1. I already paid part of the tuition fee (actually it's a 2,000-pound down payment). Will the school give me a letter to certify this? I need it for my visa renewal.
2. where can I get this letter?
3. Last Monday you gave me a pass and told me to provide more photos. So last Tuesday I came to update my portfolio, but I forgot to ask you to check it before I left.
4. I didn't know that a ceritficate will be issued after that, and I happened to have some urgent matter to handle, so I left in a hurry.


热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 18:00

1. I have to pay a portion of tuition (I have to pay tuition deposit of 2,000 pounds), the school will give me a letter explain these things? I need to renew it

(2) Where can I open this letter?

3 last Monday you gave me pass, you say let me add more photos, so I had on Tuesday to improve portfolio, but forget that let you check the left

4. I do not know then give certificate, and then I was in a hurry, so I rushed the left

热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 17:59


热心网友 时间:2024-09-01 18:00

1.我已经交了一部分学费(我已经交了2000磅的学费定金),学校会给我一封信说明这事吗?我续签时需要它 I have paid part of school fee, about 2,000 pounds as deposit. The school will send me a letter about it? I need it when renewing the agreement.

2.哪里可以开这封信? Where can I get this letter?

3.上个周一你给了我pass,你说让我补充更多的照片,所以我上周二来完善了portfolio,但是忘记让你检查就走了Last monday, you gave me a "pass", you let me supply more photoes, so I did as you said last tuesday. But I am sorry I forgot to take it for your inspection before leaving.

4.我不知道之后会给certificate,而且当时我正有急事.所以我急匆匆的就走了 I didn't know a certificate would be given, And I left quickly as I was just in a hurry at that time.

I'm sorry, teacher/Mr X. My English is very poor, so please forgive me. My hobbies are travelling,reading and seeing movies. The book I like best is Catcher in the Rye. I like the little boy called Holden Caulfield in this novel. I am from Shandong Province. My hometown ...

英文翻译: 在线等,我急!!!

One boring afternoon,me and my friends,we were talking about what to play.

在线等英文翻译!!明天我高中口语考试!!HELP ME PLEASE~~!! 3Q!!!

3,我非常紧张此时此刻,我可不想成为哑子,我非常羞涩对于我蹩脚的英语。。Well, I was so nerver, but I don't want to be dumb although I was so shy for my poor English.4,对不起,能再重复一遍吗?I'm sorry, but, can you repeat that?(can you say that again ?or can you ...

中文翻译成英文 急!!在线等

此刻,我已不能再奢望什么。At this moment, I can't expect anything more.我们也别无选择。We got no other choice, either.半梦半醒之间,我迷茫...Being the borderland between sleeping and waking,I am puzzled,心很痛,乱 乱 乱。My heart is painful, tangled and confused 只剩下最后...


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please pay attention to you behavior.You,a sop who doesn't dare to discover his face, how can you critisize me? Have a look at yourself,you can not compare with me except your terrible weight. Please,critisize others after your study pass,Ok?


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