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Rock, Rocking Tha Spot歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 18:26



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 04:05

Right about now,
In this place to be
Most definitely
The bomfunk mc's dropping the bomb!
Whole lotta soul as he cuts it up
Rock, rock and roll as he cuts it up
Cutmaster king with hardcore cuts
Makin' it rough, rock, rocking tha spot
Cool evidently as he cuts it up
Break, breakin' funk as he cuts it up
Wounded heart with the b-boys drop
Dropping the bomb
Rock, rocking tha spot
Watch behind move as he cuts it up
Bomfunk Mc's
Delivering the groove as he cuts it up
Transforming the shit to the beat that rocks
Bad meaning, bad meaning, don't stop!
You know you're itchy when he cuts it up
Place get wet as he cuts it up
Pure madness on wheels, throw 'em up, throw 'em up
Go, gismo, go, let me see what you're made of!
Hear me out now 'cause mic i will rock
You can't say i'm not 'cause the mic i'll rock
Bom bom! u feel lick a shot then u feel lick a shot
This a dj, about to mash it up
Bom bom! u feel lick a shot then u feel lick a shot
Bom bom! u feel lick a shot then u feel lick a shot
Bom bom! u feel lick a shot then u feel lick a shot
This a dj, about to mash it up
Fuck me! rocking tha spot! what?
Fuck me! take me to the top! what?
Doing the do 'cause the mic i'll rock. what?
Hear me out now 'cause the mic i will rock
You can't say i'm not 'cause the mic i'll rock
Bom bom! u feel lick a shot then u feel lick a shot
This a dj, about to mash it up
Blowin' the roof off 'cause the mic i'll rock
Got a rocket in my pocket 'cause the mic i'll rock
In the way to stars for the future shock
B.o.w. rock, rocking tha spot
Watch behind move as he cuts it up
Delivering the groove as he cuts it up
Transforming the shit to the beat that rocks
Bad meaning, bad meaning, don't stop!
You know you're itchy when he cuts it up
Place go wet as she cuts it up
Pure madness on wheels, throw'em up, throw'em up!
Go, gismo, go, let me see what you're made of!
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