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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 19:45



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 13:05

1. Title (Article Title)
The title is an essential component of a scientific paper. It should use the most concise and appropriate wording to reflect the specific content of the article, clearly conveying the theme of the paper to the reader. Generally, the title should include the main keywords of the article. For scientific journals in China, the number of characters used in the title should not exceed ten actual words.
2. Author
The author's name is a necessary component of a scientific paper. An author is someone who has made significant contributions to the conception, execution, and writing of the paper, and is responsible for the main content of the paper. The author's workplace and contact address should also be provided.
3. Abstract
An abstract is a brief summary of the paper's content, without any comments or additional explanations, clearly and concisely describing the important aspects of the document. The abstract should generally state the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of the research. An abstract is an essential additional part of a scientific paper, although very short articles may be exceptions. When writing abstracts, the following should be noted:
- Avoid including information that is already common knowledge in the field.
- Do not simply repeat information that is already stated in the title.
- Require a strict structure, precise language, concise expression, and a smooth flow, generally avoiding dividing into sections or striving to have few sections. Avoid empty comments and ambiguous conclusions. For articles that have not reached conclusions, a brief discussion may be included in the abstract.
- The length of the Chinese abstract should generally not exceed 200-300 words; the length of the English abstract should not exceed 250 words. In special cases, the number of words can be slightly higher. Some specifications also explicitly state that "the English abstract should correspond to the Chinese abstract."
- Use the third-person writing style and avoid using "I," "the author," or "we" as the subject; use叙述方法 such as "studied...," "reported... status," "conducted... survey," etc. (Although there is controversy over this regulation, scientific journals must still follow this standard until new regulations are issued by relevant departments).
- Use standardized terms. If new terms do not have appropriate Chinese translations, use the original language or provide a translation in parentheses.
- Do not use figures, tables, or chemical structures, and avoid using abbreviations, short forms, or codes that are not understood by readers in related fields. If necessary, explain these in the abstract when they first appear.
- Do not use article section numbers, figure numbers, table numbers, or formula numbers, or reference文献 numbers.
- If necessary, mention the trade name, but provide the generic name.
- Use the legal units of measurement.
4. Keywords
After the abstract, provide 3-8 keywords that reflect the article's characteristic content and are more general.
5. Article Section Numbering
According to regulations, sections in scientific papers should be numbered in Arabic numerals, i.e., level 1 heading as 1, 2,...; level 2 heading as 1.1, 1.2...2.1, 2.2...; level 3 heading as 1.1.1, 1.1.2...
6. Introduction
The introduction is often the beginning of a scientific paper and mainly answers the question "why research." It briefly introduces the background of the paper, the history and current status of previous research in related fields, and the author's intentions and analysis basis, including the paper's pursuit goals, research scope, and selection of theories and technical solutions. The introduction should not detail well-known theories, experimental methods, or basic equation derivations that are commonly known to peers or found in textbooks.
7. Main Text
The main text is the core component of a scientific paper and mainly answers the question "how to research." The main text should fully explain the paper's viewpoints, principles, methods, and the entire process of achieving the expected goals, with a focus on novelty to reflect the paper's originality. According to needs, the paper can be developed in layers,剖析逐层深入, and hierarchical headings can be set.
Scientific papers require clear thinking, logical reasoning, concise and accurate language; the content should be objective, scientific, and complete, and facts and data should be presented as much as possible. The writing should adhere to the principle of being factual and meticulous, especially paying attention to accuracy. Data collection, recording, organization, and expression should not contain academic (or technical) errors. When narrating facts, introducing situations, analyzing, and discussing problems, the choice of words should be precise, and efforts should be made to avoid ambiguity, vagueness, and inadequacy. Formulas, data, tables, and text, as well as symbols, should be accurate and error-free; there should be no omissions or mistakes.
Tables or figures (such as function graphs) should be self-explanatory, i.e., their content alone should convey the information intended to be expressed. Data citation should be rigorous and accurate, preventing misquotation or duplication, and avoiding redundant reflection of the same data in graphs and tables. Sources should be cited when using borrowed materials.
Physical quantities and unit symbols should follow the provisions of "The Legal Metrological Units of the People's Republic of China" and use standard units and writing symbols; if it is necessary to use non-standard units or symbols, consider industry habits or provide legal metric units and symbols for explanation and conversion.
Avoid re-describing and proving existing knowledge; use citing references as much as possible; for certain mathematical derivations, appendices can be used for readers who wish to review them.
8. Conclusion (or Discussion)
The conclusion (or discussion) is the final summary of the entire article. Although most scientific paper authors use conclusions as the ending, it is not an essential part of the paper.
The conclusion should be complete, accurate, and concise, stating:
- The principles and generalities revealed by the study's results and the entire research process.
- Any exceptions or problems in the study that have not been explained or solved.
- The similarities and differences with previously published research (including the author's own).
- The theoretical and practical significance and value of the paper.
- Suggestions for further research on the topic.
9. Funding Project Note
A funding project note indicates the background of the article's funding, such as National Natural Science Foundation grants or doctoral fund projects from the Ministry of Education. Articles that have received funding support should indicate the name (official name) of the funding project and its number. Multiple funding projects should be listed in order. For example: Funding Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (59637050); "Eighth Five-Year" National Key Technical Research Program (85-20-74).
10. References
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