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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 16:25



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 18:54

School of Vocational Studies in XiaoShan - Professional Profiles

Numerical Control Technology Application

A key program of the Zhejiang Province's Advanced Manufacturing Talent Training Base, this is a demonstration and特色专业 in Hangzhou, with over 20 years of experience. The program boasts a rich track record, achieving top results in national competitions like the provincial机械制图 and Autodesk contests. Students are well-prepared for certifications like CNC machinist, earning high pass rates among同类 schools. They also have the opportunity to pursue further education in higher vocational colleges. The school offers state-of-the-art workshops for practical training, and the faculty consists of 8 teachers with senior high school qualifications and 9 skilled technicians or senior artisans.

Electrical and Mechanical Technology Application

Another core program, this focuses on automation and repair, preparing students for roles in industries like equipment installation and maintenance. Grads can take电工 certification exams and have a strong track record in higher education admissions. The department features modern labs like an electronic lab and CNC machine shop, with a teaching staff of 3 senior high school teachers and 5 technicians and senior technicians. The school's repair电工中级 certification success rate exceeds 90%, and they have won group second place in regional competitions.

Cars Repair & Diagnosis

With full equipment, this program provides a comprehensive learning environment, including workshops for car repair and diagnostic training. It's affiliated with Zhejiang Economic Vocational College, offering a 3+2 program. Many students progress directly to the college after three years. The program is popular among employers, and its graduates are sought after for high-paying jobs.


With a strong faculty, this program consistently ranks among the top in the province. It's a provincial and city-level demonstration and is a leader in the provincial finance group. Graduates excel in competitions and have a high college entrance rate, with many attending prestigious universities like Ningbo University and Zhejiang Normal University.

Financial Services

Focusing on practical skills, this program prepares students for roles in banking and finance, covering topics like柜台服务 and marketing. With over 20 years of experience, the school boasts top-notch facilities and faculty, producing graduates who fill financial roles in local businesses and institutions.

Early Childhood Education and Health

This program, with a 20-year history, offers a comprehensive education in幼师 studies. Equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms and resources, the program's high-quality faculty has produced many successful graduates, who have contributed significantly to the local arts and education scene, with many continuing their studies at prestigious institutions like Xi'an Conservatory of Music and Zhejiang University of Arts.



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