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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 18:30



热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 05:44

【 Raw material 】

The thin noodles 480 gs, the sausage 65 gs, the eggplant 80 gs, the tomato 65 gs, the persimmon pepper 30 gs, the bean Cape 3
0 gs, a 65 gs of spring onion, the color pulls the oil just the right amount of, the garlic 65 gs, the 丘比千岛酱???compares thousand island sauce 80 gses

【 Manufacture the process 】

1. cook the noodles, the tomato cuts into the piece, the bean Cape that 焯?? like cuts into the 3 cms long.

2. eggplant, the persimmon pepper, cut into slice, the spring onion head slices the thin silk, the garlic cut to pieces, the sausage cuts into the inclined piece.

3. put the oil heating in the pot,2 steps have already complete of raw material pour in to fry in the pot.

4. mix it with the 丘比千岛酱 to compare thousand island sauces to make.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 05:43

[ Raw material ] thin noodles 480g, sausage 65g, eggplant 80g, tomato 65g, persimmon pepper 30g, cowpea 3 0g, onion 65g, salad oil right amount, garlic 65g, the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces 80g [ manufacture process ] 1. The noodles cooked tomatoes into pieces, good-cheuk 9:20 into 3cm long. 2. The eggplant, the persimmon pepper, cuts Large expanse of, onion cuts the filament, the garlic cuts to pieces, the sausage slivers the slanting block. 3. In the pot puts the oil heats up, the raw material which does well has poured into in the pot the 2nd step fries. 4. Mixes it with the earthen mound compares thousand islands sauces modulates.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-22 05:49

偶像啊 英语这么棒

【 Manufacture the process 】1. cook the noodles, the tomato cuts into the piece, the bean Cape that 焯?? like cuts into the 3 cms long.2. eggplant, the persimmon pepper, cut into slice, the spring onion head slices the thin silk, the garlic cut to pieces, the sausage c...

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