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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-18 18:25



热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 12:08

1.He went back to the company where he worked ten years ago.
2.the reason why Tom didn't go to school yesterday.
3. who knows the reason why Tom didn't go to school yesterday?
4. it is the house that my parents would like to purchase.
5. the house which my parents would like to purchase is more expensive than that i bought last year.
6. i can't forget the date when his parents passed away.
7. this is the house which we have lived in for 20 years.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 12:08

1. He came back to the company which he used to work 10 years ago.
2. The reason why Tom was absent from school yesterday.
3. Who knows the reason why Tom was absent yesterday?
4. The house which my parents want to buy.
5. The house which my parents want to buy is more expensive than the one i bought last year.
6. I can never forget the day in which his mother passed away.
7. This is the house in which we have lived for 20 years.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 12:08

1. He went back to the company that he worked ten years ago.
2. the reason why Tom didn't come to school yesterday
3. Who knows the reason of why Tom didn't come school yesterday?
4. My parents want to buy a house.
5. The house that my parent wants to buy is more expensive then my house which bought last year.
6. I will never forget the day his parent passed away.
7. This is the house which we have been staying for twenty years.


热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 12:09

1.他回到了在十年前他工作过的那家公司。He returned to the company where he had worked ten years before.2.Tom昨天没来上学的原因. The reason why Tom didn't come to attend to class...
3.谁知道Tom昨天没来上学的原因?Who know the reason why Tom didn't come to attend to class?
4.我父母要买的房子。The house my parents want to buy...
5.我父母要买的房子比我去年买的贵。The house my parents want to buy is more expensive than that I want to buy.
6.我忘不了他母亲去世的那一天。I will never forget the day when his mother passed away.
7.这就是我们已经住了二十年的房子. This is the house in which we have lived for twenty years.
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