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gammadion seed 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-19 07:44



热心网友 时间:2024-08-25 12:08

歌曲名:gammadion seed
专辑:prince of the poverty line

The devil's circus came to town - we watched the freaks arrive en masse
When they paraded through our streets, we turned a blind eye as they passed
Safe in the comfort of our homes we all forget the need to fear
This is the new "new Jerusalem" and it could never happen
Hear the cries as freedom dies - the gods of war have woken
A Catherine wheel of fire and steel, the death machine in motion.
The Gammadion Seed - draw the curtains, live in fear
The Gammadion Seed - watch your neighbours disappear
The Gammadion Seed - if you're too slow to realise
The Gammadion Seed - then Gammadion will rise.
Five years pass by - unnoticed change, their glamour has us in it's grasp
But now the walls have eyes and ears - questions too dangerous to ask
New state controlled T.V. and press - for reasons suddenly unclear
This is the European dream so nothing bad can happen
Hear the cries as freedom dies - the gods of war have woken
A Catherine Wheel of fire and steel, the death machine in motion.
Now the first among equals are chosen at birth
They came for the black man and then for the Jew
They've done with the gypsies - all that leaves is you!
Behind the painted greasepaint smiles - hide faces rarely known to grin
Men who will feed you to the lions for having different thoughts or skin
And when we realise that we've made a state to last a thousand years
Our pleas for help will not be heard, because there's no-one left to...
Hear the cries as freedom dies - the gods of war have woken
A Catherine Wheel of fire and steel, the death machine in motion.
The Gammadion Seed - draw the curtains, live in fear
The Gammadion Seed - watch your neighbours disappear
The Gammadion Seed - if you're too slow to realise
The Gammadion Seed - then Gammadion will rise.

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