发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 03:30
热心网友 时间:2024-08-20 03:34
在生活的低谷中,我依靠着那份对你的思念,如同一道坚韧的纽带,支撑着我度过艰难的时刻。黛博拉,你就像遥远的灯塔,虽然看不见,但你确信你存在,"Deborah lives. She's out there. She exists." 这个念头的力量,无法衡量,对我来说无比重要。
回想起过去的片段,那个曾让我滑倒的名字,Noodles,你跌倒的瞬间,似乎也在提醒我人生的无常与奇妙。"Life is stranger than shit, that's all. It's a pisser. No big story." 你的话语,带着一丝无奈的幽默,却也揭示了生活的复杂真实。
岁月无情,我们都在时光的洪流中老去,回忆成了我们仅剩的珍宝。如果你选择走进那个周六的宴会,那些共享的过去,会不会随之烟消云散?"Age can wither me, Noodles. We're both getting old. All that we have left are our memories. If you go, they'll fade."
你,可爱而又固执,始终无法成为我心中的那个人,这的确令人惋惜。"He is altogether lovable. But he'll always be a twobit punk, never to be the one I love. What a shame."
在生活的舞台上,我们既是命运的雕刻师,也决定他人的命运走向。"We're better than fate. We shape lives, granting some luxury, others struggle."
即使在空荡的房间中独自练习,那份坚持也未曾消退,"I've made progress in my solitude, and I welcome you to witness, if you have the time, even as an unintended audience."
面对过去的纠葛,你我之间的界限清晰,你承认过,你曾为了生存而杀过人,"It's true, I've taken lives, Mr. Bailey. Defense, profit – all part of the past. But some jobs, like yours, we would never touch, a line we never crossed."
最后,你是我生命中的唯一,也是那个愿意将我囚禁在回忆中的人,"Noodles...You were my sole concern, but you were the one who locked me away, forever securing that key, weren't you?"