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发布网友 发布时间:2024-08-20 03:25



热心网友 时间:2024-08-29 06:13

one interesting activity
The last sunday,I went to Guangzhou with my friend.She names Zhang Mei.She is a very beautiful girl,and besides,she is very lovely in sonmething .We got to there at 11 o'clock.First,we went to the palce which named the south personnal market.But when we got there,the gate was closed.alse,the most important couldn't be able to done.So we went to the largest market of Guangzhou--Tianhe city. At the way of Tianhe,We looked many people stand in a line.At the front of the line,some people in green T-shirt hand out fruit juice to "the line".Zhang Mei said:"Don't we go with them?"So we stand after the line.About 5 minites,we got the juice,and it taste delicious!
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