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谁能帮我翻译下以下内容,中文翻译英文谢谢: 自驾游自驾游是一种相对轻松的旅行方式 自由体现在旅行方式

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 20:46



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 23:13

Self-driving tour is a way to travel relatively relaxed freedom embodied in the way of travel and time management. Self-driving travel radius can be a stretch: at any time off or take pictures; can be very long pause or sleep till the sun is three poles high. And don't have to worry about missing the next train; in the wind and rain weather in hiding in the car and Turpan-Hami gas; in the shop to buy a good factory of Jingdezhen several sets of priced tableware and not have to worry about can not be checked; can listen to the birds sing in the valley; can open window in an oxygen-rich environment deep breath; can stop in roadside Cheongdam; or in the forest, a cushion nap; can be in a beautiful scene before the stop and wait until the very next day, morning to watch the sunrise. The rays... Self-driving tour is quite flexible mode of travel, with door-to-door convenience self-driving can also let you in the Golden Week holidays to the streams of people busily coming and going of tourists and crowded scenic area say goodbye. When 90% of the tourists took those hot area, a broader world only to drivers from the open minded. On the other hand, if your goal is to these scenic spots, see enough jostle one another on the way crowds and similar style of the artificial cut and polish, you'll find out, the original driving here on the road, there are more real happiness. Self-drive travel is a learning process in the imperceptibly. When you travel in other ways, the map is only an option. You don't even have to look at the map, do not need to know which direction to Suzhou in Shanghai, Lijiang to Shangri-La to still have how far, also do not need to know where the final State Road 107 to Dongting Lake, where a province. But if it is driving, driving and navigation at the same time, when you read the landscape and landscape. Looking at the map you might have nodded, said: "Oh, the original Greater Khingan Range peak here." Or look out of the window said: "Nu River is not imagine the wide." The geographical term deja vu all of a sudden vivid, you then pick up the junior high school cast to be flung to the four winds geographical knowledge, not only to the Chinese territory in the mind clear, also let the dialect in the ear is familiar and cordial. Self-driving tour is the most close to the earth way to travel, the best means of real understanding of China is you, mountains and rivers, local conditions. Compared with Backpackers airplane, train, and then ride long short-distance car, or riding a motorcycle, bicycle go ballistic, self-driving travel is easy way, saves the turnover of distress, and not subjected to expose to wind and rain or living in the sty pain. It characteristic of door-to-door, can let you carry half a travel without having to worry about their own physical strength. You can even buy 60 to Yengisar knife into the trunk, and do not need to worry about such tool with not on the plane, train, mailing and expensive and not worry. Since the drive is also relatively safe way to travel safely. The car you can stay away from the density of the largest station, dock. These years building peace Avenue driving there is no longer any menace from the "rear" on the road. If the quarreled where and what people can step on the gas, it's politic to leave.追问亲,百度翻译我也知道,一粘贴一复制的事儿。。。只是这个是没有办法用的

追答= = 那你要哪样的,这怎么不能用了

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 23:13

谁能帮我翻译下以下内容,中文翻译英文谢谢: 自驾游自驾游是一种相对...

Self-driving tour is a way to travel relatively relaxed freedom embodied in the way of travel and time management. Self-driving travel radius can be a stretch: at any time off or take pictures; can be very long pause or sleep till the sun is three poles high. And don't ha...


总的来说,自驾游在英文里就是 "Self-Driving Tour",它不仅是一种旅行方式的描述,也是进行跨国交流时准确表达自我行程的关键词。希望这些信息对你有所帮助,开始你的自驾探险吧!


A:那去新疆怎样?我们可以和我哥哥一起自驾游.又有趣,又便宜,又刺激.Then what about xinjiang?We can drive by ourselves with my brother.It will be interesting,reasonable and fantastic!B:那我们就决定去那里吧.So,let us make our mind to go there!C:我们应该准备哪些东西呢?But what sha...


自驾游这一休闲方式在不同国家和地区的英文表达方式各具特色。在澳洲昆士兰,人们常用"drive travel"来描述;而在美国tripadvisor网站上,"Traveling by Car"是常见的说法。冰岛则倾向于使用"Self-drive Tours",而英格兰网站则青睐于"Driving tour"。至于"时尚"这个词,它在表达上同样多变,可以是"fad"...


广州花园酒店?当然可以.但也许你现在找到它是困难的。我会告诉你如果你 喜欢。”“哦,谢谢你这么多。请进入我的车。”然后我帮她把袋子放到后座。大约三分钟后,我们来到了一个两层 建筑,年轻的女士说,“请停在这里。”我停下来,看着楼。”但这不是一个酒店,”我对她说。“不,”她笑着说...


车上trip的中文翻译是“车载旅行”。这种旅行方式结合了自驾游和公路客运的特点,正逐渐受到人们的关注。下面将从不同方面详细介绍车上trip的定义、特征和优势。车上trip的定义 车上trip是一种新型的旅游方式,它将自驾游的灵活性与公路客运的服务相结合。通常由旅行社或专业车队提供支持,这种旅行方式要求...


自驾游比较自由,我喜欢 翻译是:Self driving tour is more free, I like


说法有很多如:Self Drive Tour, Self Drive Vacations, Self Drive Travel, Self Drive Packages.搜索资料:提示: 在只要搜寻中文(繁体)的结果,在使用偏好可以指定搜寻语言。Self Drive Tours and Travel Deals, Self Drive PackagesScenic Stay Vacations, Scenic Stay Travel, Scenic Stay Packages, ...



关于旅游景点的介绍英文 关于旅游景点的介绍英文翻译

卡帕多西亚的精灵烟囱可以说是一个非常值得观赏的奇观。这个景点为人们提供了很多 自驾游 的机会,但最好的旅行方式是黎明前夕乘坐热气球俯瞰锯齿景观和梦幻住房。中午小憩过后,顺着阶梯登上乌希萨尔城堡,再看夕阳落下最高的精灵烟囱尖顶,卡帕多西亚城被云雾笼罩,从Mt Erciyes到鸽子谷的景色尽收眼底。 景点简单英文介绍...

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