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翻译一句话 she didn't cook much while she was moving up the cor...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-09 15:22



翻译一句话 she didn't cook much while she was moving up the cor...

它要表达的是,随著lynette在公司地位的提升,她在家煮饭的次数也越来越少。corporate ladder 是指公司中的”地位“的竞争。

感恩父母的英语作文 带翻译

As a child, I always took my parents for granted. It wasn't until I grew up and moved out of their house that I realized just how much they had done for me. They gave me life, love, and endless support. They sacrificed so much for me, from their time and energy to ...


Zeus made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their caring so much for men. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. All gods gave her...


An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away...


10、虽然她只有22岁,但她已是非常成功的商人了。(while)She is aready a successful merchant while she is only 22 years old.11、我不知道我们将如何度过这个冬天(get through)I do not know how can we get through the winter.12、愤怒的人们推倒矗立在广场的这个统治者的雕像(tear down...


By the time she started the second existing volume, there was only one imaginary friend she was writing to: Kitty, and in her later re-writes, Anne changed the address of all the diary entries to "Kitty".There has been much conjecture about the identity or inspiration of Kitty, who in...

介绍家人的英语作文 50个字带翻译

he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl. Shedidn't have enough money to go to school. Shewas begging in the street. My gave her the snacks and books and some money. So had nothing. ButI was also happy. I amproud of my father. 转载注明出处...


The sun is burning today. The sun shines on the big kang kang, we can not get out of the door, I also heard the cicada cry.Dad wanted to take me out, and now I can't get out. I just stayed at home watching TV and doing my homework. In the afternoon, I wrote ...


I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I...


This morning I woke up at 6 o 'clock is to the kitchen for mom made a bowl of beef and tomato noodles, mother looked at me as she do breakfast is very happy, she finally put all eat noodles, very delicious, also say I grew up, not a kid, can look after himself, I...

without moving moving around moved moving moving out get moving moving away very moving moving up moving to
2024年小麦价格多少钱一斤 酸甜口味的凉拌菜如何制作? 小麦价格什么时候涨 明年小麦还会继续上涨吗 怎么做家常韭菜烧豆腐? 家常烧豆腐块怎么做? 单核CPU512内存 加内存会让电脑运行快吗 我的电脑配置 CPU AMD速龙 双核 3600+ 内存 512MB 显卡64M 什么情况... 我的cpu是AMD Sempron 3000+的 内存是512M 显示卡是 Radeon X300/X550/... 我的电脑是双核CPU 2G内存 512独显 怎样才能加快电脑运行速度 帮女儿取个英文名字,请教大家!谢谢!! 请问大家Lynette翻译中文是什么意思 关于皇隆至通匹伐他汀钙片的使用方法是什么? 不肯为婚外情人花钱是什么心理? 贷款征信有问题找中介能帮忙解决吗 感冒流鼻涕怎么好得快 十个简单易行的小妙招 宝宝着凉打喷嚏小妙招 风水学概论中门廊上能开窗户吗 门开窗在风水上讲行吗?请高人指点 美式烹饪美式食品 福建旅游必去十大景点_福建必去十大景点推荐_福建省十大著名景点_福建... 福建亲子游必去的10个地点,福建风景旅游景点 福建最建议去的三个地方 为什么我的电视服务器连接失败了呢? 诛仙2钓鱼任务怎么做介绍_诛仙2钓鱼任务怎么做是什么 老年人中医健康管理技术规范第五部分 老年人常用的养生保健知识 老年人中医健康管理技术规范第七部分 老年人常见症状的保健方法 因重视而不糟蹋。根据意思写出词语并写出它的近义词? 三菱plc将浮点数转换成整数的指令是? 巴啦啦小魔仙里有什么魔仙 请翻译一句对白 绝望主妇里面第二季,第三集中,lynette 的领导Nina开会时说的一些话... 通过手机号怎么查对方的名字 糖尿病患者可以喝银耳汤吗 妇科病霉菌怎么治疗 明教四大法王青翼蝠王 林西县特色食品 搬家从哪里找 炒白面养胃吗?老公胃不好!吃什么也不长肉!特别瘦!吃超白面管用吗?吃... 联想手机z5什么时间发布 电脑ip地址怎么设置自动获取 顺产撕裂缝针要拆线吗 顺产撕裂缝针多久掉线 宁波附近适合亲子游,宁波及宁波周边旅游 浙江适合亲子游的海滩,浙江值得推荐的海边景区 为什么自动获取ip地址无法访问网络? 在浙江旅行,有哪些适合亲子游玩的娱乐项目? 邮寄书用哪个快递 【求教】已经6、7年没有被蚊子咬了,是不是得了什么病?以前也会被咬的... 最近蚊子突然不咬我了.是不是身体出什么问