发布时间:2024-09-08 01:39
时间:2024-09-15 17:07
The book "JavaScript: The Good Parts (影印版)" offers a comprehensive guide to the language, diving into its key aspects and discussing both the strengths and limitations. The content is structured into ten main sections:
Preface: A introductory overview, setting the context for the reader and outlining the author's approach to selecting the 'good parts' of JavaScript.
1. Grammar: Exploring the basic building blocks of the language, including whitespace, variable names, numbers, strings, statements, expressions, literals, and functions.
2. Objects: The core object-oriented features, such as object literals, retrieval, update, reference, prototype, reflection, and advanced methods like enumeration and global object manipulation.
3. Functions: A detailed look at function objects, function literals, function invocation, arguments, returns, exceptions, and techniques like recursion, scope, closure, and functional programming concepts.
4. Inheritance: Different inheritance approaches, including pseudoclassical, object specifiers, prototypal, and functional, with an emphasis on how these parts work together.
5. Arrays: Array literals, length manipulation, enumeration, methods, and dimensions are examined to provide a clear understanding of working with arrays in JavaScript.
6. Regular Expressions: An example-based exploration of regular expression construction, elements, and their usage in pattern matching.
7. Methods: A review of essential JavaScript methods and how they contribute to the language's functionality.
8. Style: Discussing best practices and the author's preferred coding style for writing clean and maintainable JavaScript.
9. Beautiful Features: Highlighting the language's standout qualities that make it an effective tool for web development.
Appendices: Additional resources, including a critique of problematic parts (Appendix A), a list of less desirable features (Appendix B), JSLint (Appendix C), syntax diagrams (Appendix D), and JSON support (Appendix E).
Index: A comprehensive index to help readers quickly find specific topics within the book.
时间:2024-09-15 17:13
The book "JavaScript: The Good Parts (影印版)" offers a comprehensive guide to the language, diving into its key aspects and discussing both the strengths and limitations. The content is structured into ten main sections:
Preface: A introductory overview, setting the context for the reader and outlining the author's approach to selecting the 'good parts' of JavaScript.
1. Grammar: Exploring the basic building blocks of the language, including whitespace, variable names, numbers, strings, statements, expressions, literals, and functions.
2. Objects: The core object-oriented features, such as object literals, retrieval, update, reference, prototype, reflection, and advanced methods like enumeration and global object manipulation.
3. Functions: A detailed look at function objects, function literals, function invocation, arguments, returns, exceptions, and techniques like recursion, scope, closure, and functional programming concepts.
4. Inheritance: Different inheritance approaches, including pseudoclassical, object specifiers, prototypal, and functional, with an emphasis on how these parts work together.
5. Arrays: Array literals, length manipulation, enumeration, methods, and dimensions are examined to provide a clear understanding of working with arrays in JavaScript.
6. Regular Expressions: An example-based exploration of regular expression construction, elements, and their usage in pattern matching.
7. Methods: A review of essential JavaScript methods and how they contribute to the language's functionality.
8. Style: Discussing best practices and the author's preferred coding style for writing clean and maintainable JavaScript.
9. Beautiful Features: Highlighting the language's standout qualities that make it an effective tool for web development.
Appendices: Additional resources, including a critique of problematic parts (Appendix A), a list of less desirable features (Appendix B), JSLint (Appendix C), syntax diagrams (Appendix D), and JSON support (Appendix E).
Index: A comprehensive index to help readers quickly find specific topics within the book.
有谁看过JavaScript the good parts,里边的插图能解释下什么意思吗...
whitespace有下面几条路可走通 你沿着最上面的走 whitespace = space(空格),就是说空白可以包括空格 走tab的路 whitespace = tab,就是说 空白可以包括tab 。。。下面依次类推 走到最后还可以回来 那whitespace 可以是每条路径的随意组合,比如 whitespace=space+tab+space+tab。。。
如果你对JavaScript语言有深入研究的需求,或者想要了解其精华部分,那么《JavaScript: The Good Parts》这本书可能会成为你的宝贵参考资料。这本影印版是由美国著名作者(美国)克罗克福特编著,它提供了一个独特的视角,帮助读者理解和掌握JavaScript语言的核心内容。该书由东南大学出版社出版,于2009年发行。...
在JavaScript的世界里,有着一位重量级的人物,他的名字叫做Douglas Crockford。他不仅是一位在JavaScript领域有着深厚造诣的专家,而且在雅虎公司担任高级架构师的职务。Crockford最为人所知的贡献是创建并维护了JSON(JavaScript Object Notation),这是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,被广泛应用于Web开发中。他的...
想成为 JavaScript 高手,有没有好的学习路线和方法?
在读过上面的资源之后,你可以学到如何编写JavaScript,但是这本书会教你如何对资源进行重组,这项技能很重要,并非如你想象般简单。2)《JavaScript:The Good Parts 》- Douglas Crockford 著。该书介绍了JavaScript的优缺点。任务6:做些事情!在学习完上述资源后,你应该已经尝试了一些代码样本:修改代码、整合代码看看会...
《JavaScript王者归来》百度的一个Web开发项目经理写的,作为初学者准备的入门级教程也不错。中级读物:《JavaScript权威指南》:另外一本JavaScript圣经,讲解的也非常详细,属于中级读物,建议购买。《JavaScript.The.Good.Parts》:Yahoo大牛,JavaScript精神领袖Douglas Crockford的大作,虽然才100多页,但是字字珠玑啊!强烈建议...
jslint 命令怎么只解析一部分
JavaScript是一门强大的函数式动态语言,但是它本身也有很多缺陷。最大的缺陷就是一个变量如果缺少var申明,它就自动变成了全局变量,从而导致不可预料的错误。道爷(Douglas Crockford)在“JavaScript: The Good Parts”一书中,列举了我们应该使用的JavaScript的精华部分,以及要坚决避免的很多陷阱。要成为...
我目前接触和学习JavaScript的几个途径,一是Codecademy这个在线编程学习网站。正如JavaScriptIsSexy这篇文章的作者所言,Codecademy给出的案例任务大都是相对简单单一的小任务,即使完成了课程,也很难开始实战一款真正的Web App。曾经有工程师向我推荐阅读“Javascript: The Good Parts”一书,但在这篇文章中...
《JavaScript 高级程序设计》如果你想把JavaScript非常完全的系统学习一遍,我强烈推荐这本书,这本书可以一直保留,在用这本书的过程中还可以画下重点,以后可以作为参考,是工作中非常强力的帮手。面试的时候也可以很好的应用上,我们俗称的“红宝书”。《你不知道的JavaScript》这本书不适合前端的初学者...
Javascript:thegoodparts,Domscripting等等。网络课我更多地是付费在http://egghead.io或者udemy上面看的,你们也可以找到很多免费的口碑好的JS网络课。 6.之后就是想到什么点子写什么.只会前端虽然不足以让你写出应用级的网页,但用代码写出自己的思想自己的热爱,还是绰绰有余的。 7.找一些实际生活中的项目,参与进去...