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求Running From The Thoughts歌词!NBA08的主题曲

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-07 01:06



热心网友 时间:2024-10-16 19:54

Running From The Thoughts

Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
keep dragging me into it
Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
How many times we been through it

Communication Breakdown
Part Anthem Lay down
Spirits of a playground
running from a grey town
Amityville Horror
Ghosts form the past
That will travel through tomorrow, follow
each and every step that i take
as many bars i break
i still cant escape
so at night i stay awake
go out and separate
my soul from my conscience
and all i can equate is a bunch of crazy nonsense

Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
keep dragging me into it
Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
How many times we been through it

Try to stay versatile
and switch up my pattern
cant keep it rotating like the rings of Saturn
got to break the cycle
and move it like nitro
get it out of my head before i go psycho
insomniac on the track
falling out, bouncing back
coming with the wild attack
trying to keep my mind intact
back to the days of the past
keep popping in my head like a memory flash

Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
keep dragging me into it
Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
How many times we been through it

ahh sh*t just can get out that circle
kids got me by-cycling home
yeah all you willy wonka mutha fu*kers

Time to move the mast
throw them in my moustache
roll a big spliff
light it up with a match
puff puff
rocking kasbahs like the clash
we can all sit back and watch the world crash
then pick up the pieces of the fractured elements
write your last will and testament
like it was the end
but its never the end
i hate to tell you my friend
they keep coming back
again and again

Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
keep dragging me into it
Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
How many times we been through it

Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
keep dragging me into it
Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
How many times we been through it

Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
keep dragging me into it
Running from the thoughts
i keep bumping back into it
trying to get away
How many times we been through it
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