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哪首歌里面有这句I'm obsessed with a girl会重复几遍 英文歌_百度知 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-07 01:06



热心网友 时间:2024-09-14 01:45

Songs On 12 Play - Chris Brown

You're a goddess in the bedroom
Devil in them skintights
Drug that, I'm hooked to
But it's ok, I'll be alright

Tried my best to please you
Show you what it means to

Be a victim of love

So turn on that red light, Oh

Turn on that red light

We gon' be bumping and grinding
Seems like you're ready to sex me, baby, baby
And I'm feeling on your booty, driving me crazy
Half on a baby

Cause' your body's calling me

And with your permission let me start your ignition
Don't you know that you're reminding me

Of a song on 12 play

You're like a song on 12 play
You gon' have the greatest sex

Do you mind if I stroke you up
Baby girl, imagine that

Dripping that honey love,

I'mma hit it high from the back

just like that

Do your body like the free (have a little private)
Fiesta, fiesta
Somebody's girl is on my body
Naked, shaking
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera

Hey baby

We gon' be bumping and grinding
Seems like you're ready to sex me,

baby, baby
And I'm feeling on your booty,

driving me crazy
Half on a baby

Cause' your body's calling me

And with your permission
let me start your ignition
Don't you know that you're reminding me

Of a song on 12 play

You're like a song on 12 play
Ok, foreplay, that's child's play
Making love is my forte
Shots of you when I'm thirsty
Damn right, I'ma eat that pussy
Clothes all in the background
I give her back shots, I don't back down
She likes her hair pulled,
that ass slapped around
And the neighbors screaming out
"Keep it down"
Turn on the red light tonight
Lil' mama, it'll be alright

I just wanna be all on you

Do it 'til we both can't move
Your body
Your ass, girl
Sweat dripping on my body

So tonight
We gon' be bumping and grinding
Seems like you're ready to sex me, baby, baby
And I'm feeling on your booty,
driving me crazy
Half on a baby

Cause' your body's calling me

And with your permission
let me start your ignition
Don't you know that you're reminding me

Of a song on 12 play

You're like a song on 12 play

down low, down low

Oh baby, baby, baby, baby, baby

Keep it on the down low, down low

热心网友 时间:2024-09-14 01:50

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