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Once In A Lifetime的歌词是什么?

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-07 00:23



热心网友 时间:2024-09-14 03:48

Once In A Lifetime的歌词是:

some People fill their lives, with empty nights,
And days that slip away
Some search till the end of time, but never find,
The open arms of fate
One moment comes along, someone who's a dream to you,
All at once your dreams come true

Once in a lifetime, you find the one you really love
For now and forever, one love that never ends
Once in a lifetime, when every star that lights the sky
Will shine with one reason, leading your heart to the one love you find
Just once in a lifetime

Some people live their lives in compromise,
And hide their dreams away
Some never take the chance, within their hands,
To claim the prize they make
When faith is all you need, to hold the hand of destiny,
Find the love that's meant to be

Once in a lifetime, you find the one you really love
For now and forever, one love that never ends
Once in a lifetime, when every star that lights the sky
Will shine with one reason, leading your heart to the one love you find
Just once in a lifetime

If you believe in the power of love
And you believe that dreams come true
Magic will fill your heart, when that moment comes along
Just once in a lifetime

you find the one you really love
For now and forever, one love that never ends
Once in a lifetime, when every star that lights the sky
Will shine with one reason, leading you home to the one love you find
Just once in a lifetime, Just once in a lifetime

Once in a lifetime

For now and forever, one love that never ends

Once in a lifetime


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