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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-07 10:11



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 21:30

Nanjing Lishui Economic Development Zone, situated in Jiangsu Province, is distinguished as one of the pioneering provincial-level economic zones. This vibrant instrial hub boasts a thriving ecosystem with nearly a hundred enterprises, among which sixty are foreign investments, driving a robust economic landscape.

At the heart of this zone's success lies its impressive annual technical instrial and trade income, reaching a staggering 2 billion RMB yuan. The diverse proct range spans across three primary sectors: machinery, electronics, and food, encompassing over 200 specific varieties and specifications. From agro-motors and electric-cell motorcycles to farm machinery, medicines, healthy procts, and beyond, the proct portfolio is extensive, catering to a wide array of instries and consumer needs.

Geographically advantageous, the zone is conveniently located just 42 kilometers from the bustling city of Nanjing, 12 kilometers from the bustling Lukou International Airport, and 60 kilometers from the strategic新生圩港口. This strategic positioning makes it an ideal gateway to the southern reaches of Nanjing, positioning it as the city's southern gateway.

Transportation is a cornerstone of the zone's infrastructure, with access to key highways such as the Nanjing-Hangzhou Expressway, Airport Expressway, and the No.3 Linkage Highway. Furthermore, the zone is directly connected to the high-speed highway that leads to the Xinshengwei port, enhancing its connectivity and accessibility. This robust transportation network not only supports local businesses but also facilitates seamless logistics and trade, making it an attractive destination for investors seeking a strategic location.

With its strategic location, diverse instrial offerings, and well-developed infrastructure, Nanjing Lishui Economic Development Zone presents a compelling proposition for entrepreneurs and investors looking to establish a presence in the thriving economic landscape of Jiangsu Province. Whether it's leveraging the zone's proximity to major urban centers, tapping into its extensive transportation network, or capitalizing on its diverse proct range, the opportunities for growth and innovation are vast.
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