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英语阅读题目,There was a little dog in the street.He liked watchin...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-06 18:26



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 00:49

1.One afternoon
2.fire station
3.he was afraid that the children were still in the burning house
5.happy and excited
6.he is kind-hearted,3,1、One afternoon.
2、He ran down the street to the fire station,barking all the way.
3、Because helooked for the children but could not see them.
4、A fireman named Jack.
5、The little dog felt unbelievable.
6、I think the dog is very clever and kind.
记得英语要好好学啊,很重要的!,1,The fire happened one day in the afternoon.
The dog ran down the street to the fire station.
He could not see the children.
The fireman named Jack brought the dog to the children.
The little dog felt happy and excited.
The dog is so kindhearted and he is the friend of our people,0,1:The fire station
2:He could not find the children
4:He was so happy and excited
5:This dog is very brave and clever
There was a little dog in the street.He liked watching the children play.One afternoon,he followed two children homr from school.He stayed ai the gate suddenly,he saw thechildren's house wan on fire.He knewhe neededto help then right away so he ran down the street to the fire station,barking all the way.
When he arrived at the fire stationhe saw the fire leaving,He triedto run after them,but he could not keep up,When he got back to the house ,the street was filled with people.He looked for the children but could not see them.He was very worried.
The firemanworked very hard and the fire was put out.Afireman named Jack noticed the little dog under a tree,whichwas looking across the street at the burnt house.
Jack thought:"the dog could cheer uo the kids."So he brought the little dog to the children.The little dog could not belive his eyes!The children were safe!He rushed to them.He was so happy and excited.The children held the little dog and felt a little better.
题目1、When did the fire happen?
2、Where did the little dog go when he found the house was on fire?
3、Why was the little dog very worried when he got back to the huose?
4、Which fireman bring the little dog to the children
5、How did the little dog feel when he found the children were safe?
6、What do you think of the dog?
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