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请大家写一篇英语作文《are you ready for tomorrow>300字左右

发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 05:07



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 03:24

Today's society is a market economy , as the main competitive society, its essence is the knowledge and talent competition ,it`s ultimately a personal capacity competition. To face of learning, work and life stress, are you ready for tomorrow?
Our generation has been living in a warm sleeping bag. Facing
the complex social, how can we do to set foot on? In my opinion , we should do the followings:
First of all , we must strive to learn,only in this way can we work and live better.
Secondly, we have to study hard and increase our own experiences to prepare for later life and work.Actively participated in school activities, to train ourselves and improve our social skills.
Then, as far as possible in advance into the community, increase the social and work experience.For example, to use the spare time to take an active part in business promotion activities, which not only gain job experience, but also strengthen our ability to adapt to society.
In a word, we must prepare for our future from now on, we must learn and exercise so we can deal with all difficulties and challenges of tomorrow.
Face tomorrow, are you ready to begin? The answer is,“Yes, I am ready!"

Are you ready for tomorrow?
As the rapid development of society,it became more and more difficult for us to find a suitable and desirable job.In China,each year,the number of graduated students increase severely.As a normal student,what shoule we do?
As far as I can concerned,we should prepare for our future.
First,we should try our best to do well in our study.This is the basic.The one who get low mark in his study can hardly success in doing other things.
Second,we should open our mind,we should try something new and benefit for us,we should know the main current affaires in our country.In addition,the condition of the job market is very important,you should try to know all of it as possible as you can.
At last,you should be self-confidence.You may meet many difficult in your life,be well prepared and confidence,donot afraid,you will be success if you believe your self.
In a word,it is yourself who detemind your future,donot waste your time,go and do something for your future!

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