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发布网友 发布时间:2024-09-28 06:42



热心网友 时间:2024-09-29 12:39

The question of meaning is a central topic in philosophy, and Paul Horwich offers a distinct perspective. Horwich presents an innovative philosophical theory, delving deep into its intricacies and rigorously defending it against various critiques. His approach is heavily influenced by Wittgenstein's notion that the meaning of a word is derived from its practical application, a concept that Horwich reinterprets in a novel way, aiming to elevate its significance to the recognition it rightfully deserves.

Horwich's theory stands on the foundation that words acquire meaning through their usage in everyday language and communicative contexts. He skillfully unpacks this idea, demonstrating how it guides our understanding of words and how they function within language. By doing so, he challenges conventional wisdom and seeks to reshape the way philosophers and linguists alike think about the fundamental nature of meaning.

Throughout the book, Horwich not only develops his theory but also engages with alternative viewpoints, showcasing his ability to critically assess and refine his argument. His work is a testament to the ongoing dialogue in philosophy, contributing to the ongoing exploration of what it means to convey meaning in the complex world of human communication.
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